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I got to my office I was trying not to let my anger get ahold of me at work.

Qulsum was packing her stuff while faze waited.

"Morning." Faze said.

"Morning." I said taking a seat.

The two of them left and I rested my forehead on my desk. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly I got a phone call.

"Hello." I said.

"salam alaykum yaseen." His voice made me just a little uncomfortable.

"Walaykum Salam." I said letting a heavy breath out hoping he would get the hint that I wasn't very happy with the call.

"Do you recognize my voice?" He teased, it was an attempt to provoke me.

"I dont have time for games."

"wow. you won't even ask how i'm doing? It's me Benjamin." I couldn't help but roll my eyes and rub my forehead. I was already irritated.

"oh. you. How are you binyamin." I said with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

"oh come on brother. Benjamin is the same thing." He said, still with that hint of taunt still lurking in his voice.

"your name is Binyamin. I will address you as such." I said.

"Clearly nothing has changed. 5 years ago you were rude and today too. Old habits never die." He scoffed.

"sure." I said.

"what are you up to?" He asked changing the topic.

"Benyamin why did you call because it definitely isn't for asking me how im doing."

"wow. you think so little of me."

"Tell me why you called I dont have time to waste." I snapped not being able to hold the same calm voice as I previously managed to do.

i opened up my email and yet some more bad news.

"I heard you got married. you didn't even invite me. Why would you get married?" He asked suddenly sounding offended.

I looked up at the ceiling and leaning back into my chair, trying not to lose my cool at his stupid remarks. He was still running around the bush.

"I'm going to hang up now." I said.

"Nice talking to you." He said and I hung up.

Binyamin was my first cousin from my moms side. It was weird that he called for no reason. He has never done that. I haven't seen the boy in 5 years and I have no desire to do so. He is a blabber mouth says whatever is on his mind. He usually comes trying to work with me and when he did that he left 2 days later saying he wasn't cut out for it.

He makes dumb jokes and tries sucking up to my mom. My mom likes him especially because we're not very close to family except this fool which is sad. We use to be really close back in the day my family and his. We split business money from our grandpa. He's always bringing up how he's part of our "owner" but nobody really takes this guy seriously. I don't understand how my mom is family with this moron.

We last met with him and his parents five years ago and just stopped. We just stay far except this guy. Suddenly he calls for fun. He has another brother who was non-existent. He can't run a business and goes out of country and messes it up. I need to say nothing more.

Qulsum's POV.

I was actually drowning in work. Faze was doing his best but paperwork just isn't my thing. But tomorrow we're meeting a new client and if we get the deal I can keep him. But I'll have to give up my sacrificed client.

My job was keeping me busy, at this point I liked being away from him. I hate the fact that he won't even try to quit. Instead he decides to just give up. How could I not have noticed the excessive scent that use to flourish through him when he came after work. It was never to smell good. It was just to cover his lie. His secret.

I was mad for so many reasons. I was sad and upset all at once. Mad because he was smoking. Mad because he won't quit. Upset because I'm helpless. Sad because he never told me. Sad because he didn't trust me.I teared up because I felt a shift when I realized he hid something from me.

I don't care if he thinks I'm being dramatic. I don't care what anyone thinks. I have my own emotions. I'm so tired. I am drained. I was strong before. But I'm losing strength now.

"Qulsum is everything okay?" Faze asked. I nodded and gave him a forced smile. Yaseen was there and he saw me and looked away then left. I just wanted to be alone.

"i'm going out for my break today. I'll see you guys later." I said and they all nodded as I left the table.

I went home after work cooked food for myself and for Yaseen I left it on the table. I was mad but I won't make the man starve. I put a note there with his name and went back to the guest room balcony.

i called my dad for a bit we talked and laughed about old times. It really made me feel better. I told him I'd visit him soon.

a few days went by. Yaseen and I didn't talk very much. I got the chance to visit my dad we had dinner with his roommate . It was fun. Ofcourse my dad asked about Yaseen but I dodged it and said he was busy with work. I got a client so that's a win. I was on the phone until Ilana came.

"apparently theres a meeting." she whispered and i just shrugged.

"Do you know anything about it?"

I shook my head no.

"Just for the sales people though." She said. i hung up my phone and got up what was she on about.

"Whats going on?"

"I don't know but-

"I need the sales to the conference room in 2 minutes." He said.

I let a heavy breathe out. Great. Now what.

"good luck. Tell me what happens." She says. Boy was she lucky for being in production.

I walked in with everyone else.

"So there's going to be a change out here. Which means this part of the office is going to look different. It should take a few days. You guys wont be able to work here productively especially with all the noise. Therefore you guys will be pushed on the down floor until further notice. Maryam you can just move with accounting for a bit and um once everything is done Your desks will also have a switch so I want all your tables cleared off. Take your stuff and shove it in your car maybe. You'll have your tables put one floor down."

"any questions?"

"whats happening?" someone asked.

"you'll see. anything else?"

everyone stayed quiet.

"Alright then get back to work."

On my way back home I was seriously curious to see what he was talking about. What on earth was he planning?

He is unpredictable he could just fire us. He won't though. At this point I wanted our fight to end. I didn't like this dysfunctional relationship. We are both mature enough to talk things through. I'm willing to do so. But seriously it's so dumb of him to be mad because of something he's at fault for.


Hey guys I just want to thank all of you who have been keeping up with the he story dispute my crappy updates. I will continue posting frequently and consistently inshallah! Once again a big thank you!

Give me a vote and sauce some comments my way! I love feedback!

And as always be loyal and stay Royal!

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