Love Interview?

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"The big question is DO YOU EVEN LIKE HER?" She asks.

I have no answer. Nothing to say.

"Do you care for her?" Maria asked looking at me trying to read me.

"I don't give a f*ck about you."

"Hold your breath until you pass out it'll feel a lot better."

The countless amounts of threats. Going through my mind. I remember them well.

I left her in Belgium. I almost choked her to death. I've sworn at her. I've given her no respect. I hated myself for the way I treated her and there was no excuse. I am cruel.

"Do you really want to spend you ENTIRE life with her?" She asked, her eyes still glued to mine.

"I know all the answers and so do you. But what are you going to do about it? I bet the poor girl was forced. Think about it. What if she has some guy she loves? let her be free so she can marry another guy-"

"ENOUGH. THAT IS ENOUGH! Not a single word. I will f*cking fire you right here right now. She's MY WIFE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" I said raising my voice as anger was boiled through me and I felt like ripping this whole room apart.

"stop trying to interfere with my personal life. It's my business. But let me tell you this. Don't you dare repeat the shit you just said right now EVER AGAIN. My wife does not want to be free from me. ALRIGHT? Now get the f*ck outta here before I really get Mad." I say and she stares at me squinting her eyes. She was not afraid. Like usual. But this time she was slightly in shock.

She has never felt that way. I've never gotten so angry at work. She walked off and I sat back down.

Maria really was different. I've known her for 3 years. She's very confident and knows exactly what she wants. She's a strong woman. No doubt about it. She's always tried to help me and I do appreciate it.

Actually when my mom asked me  if I had anyone in mind I considered marrying her. Not because I had any feelings for her. Simply because she knew what kind of a guy I was. But I decided against it. I would never be able to compromise with her. She's mature unlike Qulsum. Qulsum is so naive and she's probably the easiest person to manipulate.

She's small and innocent. And Maria's confidence seems to all come out from her height. Everything about her. She's a perfect business woman. The way she dresses, her hair, the way she walks and talks and basically shows off her personality directly. She's not afraid of any negativity against her. She's actually quite inspiring at some points.

But as amazing as it all sounds, she would never get along with my mother especially not the way Qulsum does. And I didn't want to really get work and my personal life mixed. I like to keep things professional.

Qulsum's POV.

"Your asshole of a husband is here." Aliza says walking into the living room.

"Hey, don't say that. " I say and she squints her demonic eyes at me.

"I can't help it if he's a complete d*ck." She cusses. All the sudden I felt offended.

"Stop it Aliza. Don't say things like that about him. It's rude." I say trying not to lose my patience.

"HAH! As if he cares. If I went to him and crap talked about you he won't give a f*ck. Now get the hell off there and give me the remote. I'm watching my own crap." She says shoving me off.

She puts on some random show and then turns to me.

"Don't you have to go serve your d*ck of a husband? He just came home from work. Go be a good wife. Chop chop. Get the f*ck out. The asshole is waiting." She said clapping her hands. She had such an arrogant looo planted on her face like she was better.

"Okay. Aliza stop being so rude-"

"Oh stop standing up for the douche bag. He doesn't give a crap." She said cutting me off.

"But I do. Just leave him alone. Whatever you have a problem with say it to me." I say holding myself back from cussing at her.

"Who the f*ck do you think you're--"

"Assalamalaykum." Yaseen says walking in.

"Walaikumsalam." I say and he walks towards us.

"I'll go and get so-" I began to leave but I felt his hand gripping my arm stopping me.

"You look tired. Want some water?" Aliza asks.

He nods and she smiles and then gives me a weird look and walks off.

I tug my arm out of his grip.

"Why do you act so helpless around Aliza?" He whispers.

"She's my sister." I snap and he nods.

"Then why doesn't she treat you like one?"

I smile and try to keep it casual.

"No she's just like that around you. She's just joking around don't wor-" I stop.

He doesn't worry about me. I'm so dumb.

"We're really close. It just doesn't seem like it." I lie.

I don't want to act like I'm not welcomed in my family. I hate this topic. It's the kind that really gets me emotional. I hate thinking about it. Because it doesn't feel good. It reminds me of the past.

"Seems like she doesn't treat you well." He says looking down at me he almost sounded sympathetic. I didn't like it.

"I..need to see what she's up to." I say trying to hold in my emotions.

I went up into my room, into the balcony and breathed into the fresh air then looked up holding away the tears.

I'm okay. I'm not a child. I can take care of myself. I don't need to cry over these little things.

No matter what Allah's with me. I just need to remind myself that whatever happens Allah will always be by me. And no matter how many times I cry to him he won't get tired of me.

And Allah himself says "Take one step towards me, I'll come ten steps towards you and if you walk towards me I'll coming running to you"

I smile. The satisfaction of this is so indescribable. It warms my heart, I know it sound a little cheesy but when I think about how much Allah loves us it just brings so much comfort.

Because wherever I go he'll never let me go. That's really all I want. To have someone be there for me when I'm afraid or sad. Just to know that someones here to care for me and ensure me that I'm not alone.


Hey Guys! What do you think??

I love feedback so please feel free to do so, AND if you enjoyed don't forget to VOTE.

I know I'm not getting too many votes at the moment and maybe it's because there's not enough readers or people aren't enjoying it as much? I'm not really sure what the case is but um I actually just personally like this story so that's kind of the main reason I'm still writing. But anyway

~Be Loyal and Stay Royal~

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