Ginny's Talk

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Draco was sitting in his room, when he heard footsteps outside the room. He sighed, and quickly stood and ran straight to his room.
Ever since his mother had come to visit, Ginny Weasley had been following him around, insisting that he go to mealtimes. Naturally, now, he just avoided her. He was not in the mood to deal with a whole school getting on his nerves, asking taunting questions, and all that crap.
Draco's room was kept between 40-50 degrees cold. His room at the Manor was usually that cold, and so he was used to the cold. It was one of Lucius's punishments. The more angry he was, the colder the room got. The lowest being 40 degrees.
"MALFOY!" Ginny yelled. Draco groaned and opened the door, closing it quickly behind him.
"What do you want, Weasley?"
"Dinner time." Ginny notified. 
"I know that, I am not going." Ginny scoffed. 
"When was the last time you actually ate something."
"I don't keep track of those petty things." Ginny stared at him.
"It isn't petty! You're going to starve yourself! I think that that takes some high role of importance."
"Well, I think that I have a lot more on my plate than to have to deal with going to meals." Ginny just about lost it then.
"Look, Malfoy, The war took a tole on everyone, it isn't anyone's fault but your own that you chose the wrong side! You had a choice. You chose wrong, get over yourself!" Draco's eyes flashed. He had had enough of people telling him that, of trying to tell him what he should have done.
"You don't get it, do you? No, of course you don't. You think that just because your a pureblood every pureblood family has so laid back and comfortable in their homes as you?"
"Your the ones with a lot of money. If anything, you have it far better." Malfoy lost it then.
"You see, that is your problem right there. Assuming things, without knowing all the facts, and yet not caring to get them all because you are so damn prideful!" He said, in a leveled voice. "I many have money, yeah, I may have a large house, yes, however when it comes to anything a child is supposed to enjoy, I have missed out on all of it. The first time I was aloud out in the snow by my own choice, without my father constantly telling me to stay inside was when I first came to Hogwarts!"
"That doesn't mean you didn't have a choice." Ginny said stubbornly. Draco growled.
"You don't understand! Of course you don't! Your parents are kind, they care about you, give you hugs and treat you to nice family talks, ask you how your day was. As long as you give everything your best they look past your failures. You wouldn't understand what it is like to go your whole life having everything controlled, to the point where even what you say is dictated!"
"Malfoy, you still had a..."
"A what? A choice? Oh yes, I definitely had a choice to disobey my father, just like I had a choice to refuse the Dark Mark. Where did that leave me? Pinned to the ground while my arm was held in place as the Dark Lord carved it into my skin, than being punished for disobedience. Oh yeah, I certainly had a choice about that didn't I?" Draco screamed, turning on his heel, as his eyes began to glaze over, and running into his room, slamming the door behind him. Ginny was shocked, to say the very least. 1) she had never seen Draco Malfoy loose control of his emotions and go on a rage like that. 2) he had been forced to take the dark mark. 3) he was eleven when he first got to go outside in the snow. 4) HE WAS TORTURED???? Not necessarily in that specific order. 

Draco slid down the wall as he tried to fight against the exhaustion clinging to his every being. He fought as hard as he could. He did not want to relive any memories. Finally, he managed to steady himself, and push down his exhaustion. 
He got up and left the common room. He was tired still, yes, but if he stayed in the blasted room he felt as if he would go insane, and not only that, walking helped stem the tidal waves of memories just below the surface of his mind.

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