Draco's Release

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"Draco MALFOY!" Snape yelled, as Draco instictively moved out of his want touch. "Stay still will you?" He said in a low drawling voice. 
"Sorry," Draco said, and this time froze himself as Snape began healing all of his wounds. He barely dared to breath. Snape nodded at Draco's apology. It was night two in the morning by the time Snape finally managed to heal him completely. 
"There, you may go now. Though, I noticed you were having nightmares, so I am going to brew you a potion to help with that, no objections, Draco!" Snape said loudly, and Draco nodded slowly. "Now, you may go." Draco stood, and walked out of the door, finding Blaise, Gregory, Ron, Harry, and Hermione still there.
"Draco, Mate! Thank Slazar you are alright! You gave us quite a scare there!" Blaise said, jumping up and clasping his shoulder. They noticed him tensing. "Sorry, mate. So, that it, are you alright now?" He asked, concern lacing his voice. 
"For now, until Father finds out that is." Draco said, obviously exhausted. 
"You need sleep." 
"No, I am..."
"Don't even try to argue with me, Draco, Mate. I know when you're tired, and it is obvious. So, let's go." Draco turned with confusion to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 
"Wait, why are your guys here? I understand Blaise and Gregory being here, but, you three don't like me or my..." Draco inhaled a deep breath here. "Father, so why are you here?"
"We were worried." Harry said. "We were almost on end of patrol when Ginny and I found you, so I figured that we should do something, and Ginny said to take you to Snape, so that's what we did. Snape sent for Zabini and Goyle, so they came, and Ron and Hermione were worried about me and Ginny, and than when they found out about what happened, they were worried about you too." He explained. 
"Yeah, well, thank you. Sometimes I allow my fear and stubbornness to hinder my actions." Draco admitted. 
"Um, Malfoy," Hermione said questioningly.
"Yes?" He asked, wondering why in the world she was talking to him like that.
"Harry and Ginny said that you were being crucio'ed by another student. They said it happened several times, before the boy left." Draco narrowed his eyes, keeping the rest of his face impassive. 
"Well, it's just, having a cruciatus curse placed on you more than three times is hard to cope with, they said it was like five or six times at least." Draco groaned inwardly. He did not like where this conversation was moving. "So, you would have had to deal with the curse a lot to be able to withstand even a weak one so many times. I was wondering, if you ever had it used on you before..." Hermione trailed off. Draco's eyes were guarded. 
"Yes, it has been placed on me before, so many times in the last summer, that I cannot keep track how many, and most certainly not throughout my life." he said emotionlessly, though they could tell that this was not a conversation that he wished to have.
"Oh," She said softly. 
"May I leave now?" Draco asked, looked at them. They all looked at each other confused. 
"Uh, yeah, you don't have to ask us for that, dude, it is your right to leave if you want to." harry said. "We won't keep you here." 
"My father does not see it that way." Draco whispered to where they couldn't hear it, unfortunately Harry did, but did not comment, thankfully. 
"Come on, Draco, let's go before you collapse." Draco said, as they let him lead them through the castle, carefully following behind and on the side in case he should fall.

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