Happy Memory?

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Draco Malfoy was the first to show up at DADA. Lupin looked at him gauging his motions and movements. He sat near the very back of the room. He was exhausted. He noticed that the teacher was watching him intently. Once class started, Lupin went immediately to the lesson. Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron were, as usual, in the front.
"Today, and for the next week or so, we will be practicing the Patronus Charm." Lupin then proceeded to go about the correct pronuciation. "Now, I doubt that you will be able to produce a full patronus, but something should appear by the end of the lesson. The trick is keeping a happy memory in your mind while casting the charm. Now, here's the partners." Lupin flicked his wand towards the board. Draco was paired with Ginny Weasley. Great. Lupin had, apparently, paired each Slytherin with a Gryffindor. 

Ginny walked over to Draco, and noticed that he was frowning. 
"Hi," Draco have a half-smile, half-scowl. Ginny went first, easily producing the patronus. 
"Your turn," Ginny said. 
"No," Draco said simply. Ginny raised her eyebrows.
"Now is not the time to be defiant and stubborn, Draco." Ginny said. Draco sighed. Of course, she wouldn't actually know.
"I am not being defiant or stubborn. I...I have never produced a patronus before." Ginny smiled.
"Well, all you have to do is think of a happy memory." Ginny said. Draco gave her a patronizing look. 
"No," Draco said a little more firmly. 
"Draco Malfoy!" 
"It...I can't do it. Okay? I just can't do it!" Draco said in an irked voice.
"What is the big deal? I mean, all you need is a happy memory." Draco glared at her. Ginny finally put two and two together. "Wait, you've GOT to be kidding me!" Ginny practically yelled. Draco groaned. 
"Hay, what is going on here, you two?" Professor Lupin asked, intervening. Everyone turned to watch this interaction. "Draco, why haven't you even tried yet?" Lupin said in a condescending voice. 
"I can't." Draco said through gritted teeth.
"Oh, sure you can, it isn't that hard. Maybe you just aren't focusing on your memory enough.""
"IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT!" Draco yelled, anger overwhelming him now. Why couldn't anyone see? "I can't not be focusing on my memory enough because I don't have ANY happy memories! So how in the world could I possibly focus on one in the FIRST PLACE?" 
"Wait, surly you have had some sort of happy memory. What about your birthday?" Draco grimaced. 
"My birthday's were only acknowledged with more intense puni..." Draco hesitated, before tensing. "Forget I said that." Draco said quietly. "More or less, the answer is no." He said quickly.
"What about when Voldermort died." Draco gave a loud, cold, icy, bitter, anguished laugh. It froze everyone's blood, even fellow Slytherins. 
"Oh, please, obviously you don't know my Father very well." He said bitterly. "If you had, you would realize that one of his basic..." Draco paused. "Never mind. You went to school with my Father, Professor," Draco said. "You should know how he looks upon the failure of his friends, correct?" He said, hoping not to convey much to the rest of the class. Lupin nodded. "Now, imagine his feelings of the failure of his son and heir increased tenfold of that for his friends." Lupin's eyes widened, to which Draco gave a cold and bitter laugh. "Now, can you honestly understand why I would not have happy memories?" He asked. 
"I understand," Lupin said finally. "CLASS DISMISSED!"

"What do you think Draco was going to say?" Ron asked. "He stopped and changed the topic twice. I wonder..." 
"Ya, well no time for dwelling on that." Harmione said, however, Ginny thought that she had some idea of what Draco was going to say. In his panic after she had told him what his mother said, he had spoken of his 'father's abusive tactics'. She would not be surprised if Lucius beat and cursed his son continuously, and undboubtly that would leave mental, more than physical, scars, and therefore a lack of happy memories, for the fact that he would be scared all of the time for retribution from his father.

Draco Malfoy's Worst FearOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora