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Draco sat down on the couch, heavily, his body still in pain from the curciatus curse used on him.

"Sooo, what was that all about?" Harry asked. "You didn't rig the thing did you?" Draco glared at Harry.

"No, potter I did not rig the boggart. And if I had than it would have messed with everyone else's worst fears, as well as, the fact that it would not have been a boggart. Where would I have found something that can do the same thing except for me? THINK POTTER!"

"Maybe you spelled it." Draco stared at Ron in utter disbelief.

"You are kidding right? How the hell did you manage to get through school? Good grief! You cannot use spells on boggarts. The only spell that affects them is Riddikulous. So, I am afraid that I did not spell the boggart. And if I did, do you honestly think that I would have had my father as my fear? You really are quite the idiot, Weasley." Draco spat. He was honestly getting angry at all the negativity that he was getting.

"I think the point that we should keep in mind here, is that we need answers." Ginny said smoothly. "Obviously, Draco's worst fear is one of three things...Likely to happen...already happened...or he fears that it will happen. Either way, we need to know. Draco." Draco took a deep breath. He despised talking about his father. It was exhausting. What with everything that he had to deal with at home and than the constant difficulty at school. Nothing was as it seemed, and everything was incredibly difficult to deal with.

"Which one is it Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"Well, you have met my father, which one do you think it is! good grief, you should think a bi9t before you go making ridiculous questions. My father despises me. I am basically no more than an heir to him. It does not help that I do not share all of his beliefs. I think that he thought if he beat it into me enough times, I would switch over to his side. Needless to say, it only caused me to hate the man more. So, you can guess the results, I believe. Are we done here?"

"Malfoy, why haven't you told anyone?"

"Are you all such incompetent idiots?" Draco cried out, frustrated at Granger's question. "I cannot very well tell anyone! Even if I managed to get my case taken to the Wizarding court, I highly doubt that anything would be done, my father has too much influence, even now. you can NEVER underestimate him, because the second you do, horrible things come your waty/"

"Wait, so you have never actually shared you Lucius's beliefs? Than why did you treat us all like crap?" Ron asked.

"My father has his spies. I don't think that I need to explain that. No place is safe from his eyes,. even school. Crabbe and Goyle are my friends, my only ones, but they told me before hand that my father had forced them to spy on me. they managed to hide many things, but it is highkly difficult to hide anything from my father."

"We cannot let you go back at the end of the year!"

"Where else am I to go, Weasley?" Draco asked Ginny. "Basically all slytherin house families are a nightmare to live with, none are as bad as mine, but we all have our own problems. It isdn't as if we all have places to go! I have no family that is frustrated at my father's behavior. and even though Severus tries to help the best he can, as my godfather, he cannot do too much, because in order to help me, he has to be Lucius' friend, despite whether or not he agrees with his brutal tactics."

"Stay with us!" Ginny exclaimed.

"I don't know that that is a good idea."

"can I talk to you?"

"What?" Draco asked, sighing in exhaustion.

"I want you to stay with us." Ginny said.

"Why? It is not as if any of your family cares for me. goodness knows my father and even I have been cruel enough."

"Because I...."

"Well?" Draco asked, waiting. Ginny smirked. She leaned up and kissed him, full on kissed him. Draco was shocked at first...but soon regained his senses and kissed back.

"Because I really like you Draco." She said,

And draco finally realized, that happy ever after was not too far off.

Draco Malfoy's Worst FearWhere stories live. Discover now