Off Limits

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After I walked past Jason I went straight to Jenna. I still had to process what had happened back there in the hallway. I never thought that I could even talk, like he was just a few inch- wait no like CENTIMETERS away from me. I search the cafeteria for Jenna. Everyone was walking out of the cafeteria to go back to class. Then I spot Jenna talking to Tyson.

Ok so I haven't mentioned Tyson. Tyson is my guy best friend, we've been best friends since 7th grade too, sometimes people think we're dating just because we spent too much time together. Anyways we met because of our fathers, his dad and my dad were childhood friends and up till now they still are. My dad basically invited them over once and since the adults go on their 'adult talk' and they never stop we decided to go to my backyard. We didn't talk it was kinda awkward until he mentioned my favorite tv show, Supernatural, and we just started talking about it and how awesome it is. Since then we kinda hanged out more often.

"Hey guys!" I waved so that they could notice me. They look up and waved back.

"What's up, Aly!" Tyson says approaching me and Jenna behind him.

"Nothing" I reply

"Then why did Mr. Fuckboy want to talk to you?" he asked his face more serious now. Tyson has always been over-protective of me. One time he told all the guys that I was 'Off Limits' and I always asked myself how come no guys asked me out until I fount out he was the reason why.

I know that I'm very shy and conservative but I always wanted to experience having some kind of attention but instead I got Tyson as my bodyguard.

"He asked me on a date" I reply walking in between Jenna and Tyson.

"HE DID WHAT!?" he basically screamed it out loud and I had to punch him in the shoulder to shut up.

"What Aly? Really? Oh my god did you say yes? Yeah you did didn't you?" she asked slightly slapping my shoulder in a playful way.

Before I could open my mouth, Tyson interrupted me.

"Of course she didn't" he said giving me the 'If you did I'm gonna kill him'

"I said no" I say and saw a smile spread across his face.

"Why not? Is it because of Tyson" she said looking at Tyson and rolling her eyes.

"No, but I'll tell you later" I say once my class was close.

"You better" she warns then smacks Tyson in the arm once I was getting in the class, she told him something but i couldn't figure out what she said, although he deserved it for being too over-protective and nosy.

Once I was inside the class all pair of eyes were on me. I could hear people whispering it was probably because Jason, the bad boy, fuckboy, and the prankster of the school talked to unnoticeable Alyson.

I quickly walked over to my desk and grabbed my stuff. As I was packing my things the whispers died off I looked up and see Jason in front of me. I wanted to smile but it will show him that I'm glad to see him and that would give him the satisfaction that I want him, which I totally do but he can't know that.

"What's up?" he casually said

"Umm how did you know this was my class?" I was kinda freaked out about how quickly he knew my class or does he know all of them.

"I have sources" he smirked

"More like a stalker" I say. I notice that the whole class was looking at us. It felt good to be looked at with a hot and handsome boy but bad that I'm gonna be known as the easy girl if I give up easily. I know what he's going after but then again it's good to have the attention from the person who drives you crazy. Tell me am I wrong to keep this going ?

"A hot stalker" he corrected me and winked.

God dammit why are you so fucking hot

"You wish" I say then the bell rang to go to our next class. I got up and walked past Jason.

"Aww don't be mean baby" he said walking behind me.

"Baby? Save the cute little names for someone else" I say, but I liked it how he called me baby, very cute.

"You're my baby now" he said catching up to me and putting his arm around my shoulders. Everyone kept their eyes on us in the hallway, I usually hated the attention but for some reason i liked that Jason and I were the center of attention.

Then I see Tyson, he is coming my way and not with a very pleasing face.

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Lots of love, xSaddTeenx

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