Unknown Feeling

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Jason POV

"Yeah we'll see about that" I laugh

"You're gonna leave me bruises" she says like if she's in pain

"Wait are you serious?" I ask walking over to her and then she just pushes me to the floor. Damn this girl got muscles, I thought.

"Ha!'" she calls out before running out the room.

I loved the energy she had in her. The way she didn't hide herself.

I get up running out the room and downstairs. Then I see her, I follow her through the living room and into kitchen and stood across from me.

"Do you want me to tickle you or I could do even worse" I warn her.

"No! No! Okay" she says putting her hands up in surrender .

"Truce?" she asks. She's beautiful, more than you could ever imagine. I can't believe I never noticed  her. Stop Jason it's just a  bet nothing more, I thought.

"Truce, but you have to help me clean this mess up" I reply

"okay" she says

I cleaned the table and she got the broom and sweeped the floor.

"Done" she says going over to the living room and sitting on the sofa.

"Weren't we going to go somewhere?" she asks

"Yeah" I reply

"So...where are we going?" she asks

"Where do you want to go?" I ask

"Where do you want to go?" she asks me the same question

"Why are you asking me?" I ask

"Because I usually go to the same places and I want to go somewhere new" she replies

"Well in that case.." I start "We could go back to my bedroom and I'll show you something new" I says

"In your dreams" she laughs

"Well then help me make my dreams come true" I say leaning in closer to her and placing my hand on her cheek and kissing her. Her lips were so soft, the girls that I make out with are just so uncomfortable and just not right. But hers were perfect.

I  could hear her heart beat. It made me chuckle a bit. Then I felt something that I have never felt before. It was new and unknown to me. But that wasn't what I needed to feel right now. I just wanted to get this over with. I don't want to feel this way. It's been unknown to me for a long time. Then I thought about how it'll affect her. I'll probably kill her from the inside and I wont have her in my life anymore.  I couldn't even imagine what it'll be like, I couldn't do this.

I back away looking at her confusing face.

"I can't do this" I whisper

"Um, I- uh I'm sorry I shouldn't o-" I cut her off before she could finish

"No it's my fault" I say.

"I should probably go" she says getting up about to reach her things until I grab her wrist.

"Please don't go" I plead looking at her and she made a sly smile.

"At least someone wants to hang out with me" she chuckles sitting back down next to me. I'm glad she didn't make an excuse to leave or acted awkward with me. For the rest of the day we talked about just really random things and half of  the  time we roasted each other.

She is so easy to talk to. You don't have to force the conversation she'll come up with things to say outta nowhere. Then I realized that I'll never have a girl like her. She is unique, one of kind. I've been trying to find a girl like her and I finally found her. I don't ever want to lose her. Ever.


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