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Alyson POV

It's been a few weeks ever since I found out that Tyson and Jenna were dating. It's been great I really thought that I would become the third wheel. We've hung out a few times and it's like all normal. Not. Ha you actually thought. It's the opposite of what I've just said. I am the third wheel and it sucks.

We went to the movies and they invited me. I tried to decline the offer but they insisted. We were in the theater watching the movie and I had to go to the restroom. I come back and see them sucking each other's faces. I made a slight cough that made them notice I was there. I literally wanted to puke. Then later on we went to the mall and they dragged me with them but you see the thing was that they basically made it look like I wasn't even there.

Oh and don't get me started with Jason. He's been begging me to forgive him for ditching me. I ignored him, but it was so cute when he got frustrated. He even sent me messages and I didn't even give him my number. He has been blowing up my phone I feel if it kept going on like this then my phone will explode sooner or later.

It's Monday the one day of the week that you hate the most. I sit up on my bed checking my phone and what do you know? Jason sent me like one thousand messages. The one that really caught my eye was this one.

Jason: Come on babygirl! I'll buy you food or anything else that u want but just please forgive me!

That is the one that caught my eye. You see if you're like my best friend then you would know that food is the most important thing in my life. If you mention food to me I will never turn down anything.

Me: K I forgive you but you have to buy me food.

He didn't take long to reply.

Jason: Oh so just because of food you wanna talk to me wow okay bet I see how it is

Alyson: Hey you want me to forgive you for ditching me and making me walk home here's your chance

Jason: I wont take it for granted love ;)

I read it and just leave him on read.

I get up and go to the restroom and start my morning routine. I put a slight amount of makeup and finish straightening my hair.

I grab an oversized long sleeve from my closet and some leggings with vans. Once i agree with how I look I am able to walk out my room.

I go downstairs to eat breakfast. Nobody is awake at this time because I usually wake up early so that I can have some time to eat my food because my mom is always rushing me.

I grab a bowl and make myself some cereal. I get the packet of Oreo cookies and put them aside so that I can eat it with the milk in my cereal. I know, I'm weird. Then I grab a poptart and the toaster to make me two poptarts. Hey my stomach needs to be full before I go to school and have to wait till lunch. I almost forgot, Nutella. I put Nutella over my poptart once it's done because it's delicious.


"Bye sweetie have a good day!" my mom says while I get out of the truck.

"Kay bye" I say before closing the door.

I walk over to the front door of the school. Then I see the girls in the cheer leading squad giving me a nasty look.

"Lost something?" I say out loud so that they could stop looking at me.

They roll their eyes at me but I didn't care at least I wasn't the one fucking every guy at school.

I walk over to my locker, I put my combination in then feel two hands on my waist. I smiled thinking that it was Jason but it wasn't it was Ethan.

I instantly push him away. I didn't want his dirty hands or even him closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Nice to see you too, babe" he says ignoring my question

"Fuck off" I say turning around to get my books.

"Aww baby don't be like that you know you want me as much as I want you" he whispers in my ear.

"Get away!" I scream trying to stop the tears from falling. People stopped to see what was going on.

"Get off of her!" I hear a familiar voice then I recognize who it is, Jason.

"This isn't your business so lay off!" Ethan shoots back

"Yeah it is" Jason says standing in front my of me to cover me from Ethan.

"Who are you to say that" Ethan says

"Her boyfriend jackass" Jason replied. His words comfort me but I knew he only said it to make him leave.

"You're just one of Alyson's little bitches" he laughs

"What about you huh?" I bluntly say taking a step closer to him. "You look like one"

"Oh yeah? Well you were my bitch too" he says then he just stormed off. I finally for once stood up to him. Those last words he said hurt me because he treated me like one.

"Are you ok?" Jason asked concerned

"Yeah I'm fine, Thank you" I say keeping a good face on mean while i knew it was just fake.

"No need to thank me, you were the one that made him run off" he says

"So where's my food?" I ask desperate to change the subject.

"About that, we're gonna have to ditch school" he says

"I can't" I say

"Why not?" he asks

"Because I have a test today and I really need the credit" I reply taking some books out for my first period.

"You're not going to need those" Jason says snatching my books away and dumping them in my locker and closing it then went running to the exit gripping my hand.

"Jason what are you doing?" I ask while he was dragging me around the halls.

"You'll see" he says not stopping.

We stop at the parking lot. I tried to catch by breath.

"Wait..don't....you...have...soccer...practice...today?" I ask panting

"Yeah but youre more important" he smirks. I don't know why but I liked the way we were just gazing at each other. He made me feel safe but I knew that he breaks hearts along the way and I don't want to be that girl again.

"I am?" I ask looking down

"Yeah" he replied as he lifted my chin up

"Why?" I ask again

"Because you're...more" he replied.

More?. I wonder what he means?

We got in his car and I was still wondering where we were going to go. He didn't tell me at all. I asked him if it was a place and he said it was a lot of places and that just got me confused.

We go through an entrance and I spot WingStop.


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