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Write the Allegiances in this format:



LEADER LEADERSTAR—(cat description)

DEPUTY DEPUTYNAME—(cat description)

MEDICINE CAT CATNAME—(cat description)


WARRIORS (toms, and she-cats without kits)

WARRIORNAME—(cat description)


WARRIORNAME—(cat description)

(continue that format until you get to Apprentices)

APPRENTICES (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

APPRENTICEPAW—(cat description) (optional: (son/daughter of (cat) and (cat)); this format is from SkyClan's Destiny's Allegiances)

(continue that on until Queens)

QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

QUEENNAME—(cat description) (also add: (mother to (male cat)'s kits: Kitname, Kitname, Kitname, and Kitname, depending on how many kits the cat has))

(continue that on until elders)

ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)

ELDERNAME—(cat description)

(next Clan)


(and repeat)

When using cats and other animals outside of the Clans, do the following:




And that's the Allegiances format!

For cat descriptions, use the following ideas:

(dark/light) (color) (she-cat/tom)

(color) (she-cat/tom) with (eye color) eyes

(color) tabby (tom/she-cat)

delicate (fur pattern) (she-cat/tom) with (eye color) eyes

(color)-and-(color) (she-cat/tom/fur pattern (she-cat/tom))

long-furred (color) (she-cat/tom) with (color) ears, (color) chest, and (one/two/three/four) (color) paws

sleek, (dark/light) (color) (she-cat/tom) with (eye color) eyes 

(after the cat color, fur pattern, and gender) with (spotted legs/white belly and legs/with slanting (eye color) eyes/big white paws/with (color) patches/with blind (color) eyes/with (color) underbelly/(with darker flecks)/with a (color) muzzle/with (color) feet/with long scar across his back/from the horseplace/with black stripes/with tabby-striped tail/with long fur that sticks out at all angles/with long fur/blind in one eye/with one (color) ear/with (number) (color) paws/with large (color) mark on (his/her) forehead/who lives in a barn at the horseplace/with (number) (dark/light) paws/retired early due to failing sight/with a very long tail/with (color) belly and legs/with darker flecks/with (dark/light) (color) stripes/with a ginger patch on (her/his) chest/with fur that stands on end/with beautiful dappled coat/with a bushy tail/with pale (eye color) eyes/slightly clumsy/with long whiskers/with long teeth/with (dark/light) (color) legs/with (color) stripes and thick stripe over eye/with one hooked tooth/with creamy stripes/with black spotted fur/stout and short-tailed/with a narrow face and protruding canine teeth/with a glossy pelt/with tabby patches/fur tipped with white to give (her/him) a soft, cloudy appearance/with (color) splashes/with (color) legs and ears/with very small ears/with fur that perpetually stands on end/with part of (his/her) tail missing/with (color) spotted fur, (color) eyes, and a pink nose/with thick knotted pelt/with (color) patches around (his/her) muzzle, flecked with (color)/with creamy stripes

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