Tail Signals

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Tail straight - stop

Tail rippling - move forward slowly and with care

Tail held straight and moving from side to side slowly - retreat quietly

Tail pointing low to the ground and moving side to side slowly - spread out

Flattened tail - get down

Bobbing tail - enemy sighted

Hooked tail - danger

Tail held straight and waving side to side - stay behind me

Tail held over back - follow me

Tail flicking over back - leave, but be careful

Tail tip facing other direction - attack

Tail kinked - attack

Sharp flick and agitated expression - I am annoyed, irritated, or impatient

Calling out to a cat, but that cat is facing the same direction, that cat can flick their tail to show that they heard you

Putting tail over another cat's mouth if sharp flick - Shut up, mouse-brain!

Putting tail over another cat's mouth if cat is talking too much - Please, be quiet

Flick in a certain direction - Look over there

Normal flick - amusement

Tail flick - vents anger or rage

Flick tail - when a cat is about to say something sarcastic or funny

Tail flick - can be done arrogantly

Stiff tail flick - when anxious

Tail flick - happy

Lashing tail - anger

Drooped tail - sad

Swishing tail - excited

Still tail - when hunting

Twitching tail - skeptical of something

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