Warriors Fanfiction Cliches

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Some of these may or may not all be considered by some to be clichés, but I put them all here for a reason.

1. Obvious prophecies

2. Rainbow-colored cats

3. She-cats being the main character all the time

4. She-cats giving StarClan messages

5. White she-cats from StarClan

6. Cats that are jealous of the main character

7. Unrealistic-to-Warriors cat powers (able to catch every piece of prey found without mistake, make every tom fall in love with main character)

8. Flying cats (um...)

9. Dancing cats (not joking; there were dancing cats in a fanfiction)

10. Singing cats (even song lyrics pasted into chapters)

11. Cats saying Twoleg words (A queen said, "Go to bed now, my kits.") even if they aren't a kittypet or formerly were one

12. Cats driving or controlling monsters (not a cliché HOPEFULLY, but you never know!) 

13. ShadowClan is evil and bad (ironically this is #13 on the list of clichés)

14. Cloudy and stormy battles even though it was sunny before ("It was a sunny day with clear skies." 10 MINUTES LATER: "The sky clashed with thunder and lightning as the cats battled each other.")

15. Good wins every time ("'No one can beat us!' boasted Awesomecat, who was really annoying and arrogant.")

16. Background characters die before main characters (Insignificantcharacter died! ThunderClan is out of usable warriors! But wait, there's more! ThunderClan sent out a StarClan warrior! Go! Maincharacter! Maincharacter used 1-Hit KO! It was super effective! Opponents fainted! ThunderClan defeated Opponents! ThunderClan got nothing but haters for winning (again)!) (if you get it, you are cool)

17. Main characters live forever until the end of the book (Mainkit is now Mainpaw. Mainpaw is now Maincharacter. Maincharacter is now Mainstar. Mainstar is still alive at the 1,450th book. Mainstar dies in the 1,451st book, which is a Super Edition. Mainstar goes to StarClan.)

18. Most villains are male

19. Both enemies die in a battle that ends it all

20. Medicine cat romance (Meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow, MEDICINE CAT ROMANCE!) (reference is "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga)

21. ALL SHE-CAT/TOM STEREOTYPED PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES (Flower for females, Tiger for males, etc.)

22. Dark-furred cats are bad (why you gotta be against ShadowClan?)

23. Main character becomes leader of the Clan (MC becomes an apprentice. Two pages later, MC becomes leader.)

24. Kits playing battle every time (okay, they do this because they are kits, but they could play moss ball catch and chase the other cat's tail or something; be original!)

25. Kits getting into trouble with the medicine cat den (Couldn't they get in trouble with the leader's den or elder's den as well?)

26. Cats sneaking out of camp without a disguise or something original (maybe have them sleepwalk or fake sleepwalk xD)

27. Annoying tom with a high ego (You could make a nice tom who is kind or who doesn't want to have a mate at all)

28. Forbidden relationships with cats from other Clans (Professor Firestar's words echoed in your mind: "You can't have forbidden relationships here!") (reference, anyone?)

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