Chapter 7

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"Well you almost did it," Aaron squeezed my shoulder. I looked down at my hands.

"They're nothing like I'd ever imagined them. I thought that they'd be a little more... disregarding. You know?"

"Not really," he sighed, "but I'm trying to understand."

"Thanks," I shrugged.

"Are you gonna... play our game tonight?" He asked. I looked at him, and saw a little glint of hope in his eyes. I looked out the window.

"I don't know if I'm in the mood anymore. I fell kinda sick to my stomach." I placed a hand against my stomach, tightly.

"Okay," I could here the disappointment in his voice.

"Well, it is Friday." I perked up a bit.

"Yeah," he smiled. "Do you maybe wanna meet me at the park?" He looked at me. I turned to him and nodded.


"Does, Saturday work?"

"Yeah, around five?"

"Sounds great!" He exclaimed. My mom stopped the car, and Aaron got out. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Wouldn't miss it," I rolled my eyes. He nodded, and ran inside.

It was Saturday, and I woke up like an hour before I was supposed to meet Aaron. I got up, stretching and changed into some black jeans, and a real shirt then threw on my dark green jacket and some converse, and headed to the park. When I got there I immediately saw him. "Hey!" He waved.

"Uh, hi!" I waved back.

"Well, well, well, hanging out with the delinquent again huh?" I turned to face... I think his name was Gene.

"Oh, you," I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. I'm back." I looked behind him and saw a girl with silver hair, and a boy with dark brown. I looked back at Gene.

"You're not that intimidating," I glared.

"Not yet at least Freshman," he leaned down so he was level with my face. "Why don't you join us?"

"Because I have plans, and... well... I hate you."

"Now that's not fair. You haven't even tried to get to know us."

"That's because I don't need to," I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you're going to." He grabbed my wrist tight, and I quickly smacked him as hard as I could. Soon there was a horrid ringing sound in the air.

"Leave me alone or next time I'll hit you where it hurts." I glared then walked over to Aaron, angrily. When I got to him I took a frustrated sigh.

"What just-" I collapsed and started twitching, that was new.

I couldn't get any air into my lungs. I felt to hands searching though my pockets. I could see the face of someone appear above me, but I wasn't sure who it was because everything was shaking and blurry with random streaks of light dancing over my eyes. I felt two hands press down on my chest. "Breath." They instructed.

I tried to take all my focus on breathing, and soon I was sucking in cold breaths of air. I coughed, and turned to I was kneeling and leaning on my hands. I felt a hand being placed on my back. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes." I sighed and sat down on my legs. I looked over at Aaron.

"Where's you inhaler?"

"Getting a refill. I use it way to much." I rolled my eyes.

"Here," he held out his hand to help me stand. I took it and leaned against him for support.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"For what?" He asked looking at me.

"Everything," I shook my head and sighed. "I was getting panic attacks more than I had hoped." I bit my lip, and grabbed the edge of my shirt, and fiddled with the hem. Aaron chuckled and lead me over to a bench. We sat down, and I leaned my head in his shoulder, and he snaked his arm around me.

"You're really fun," he laughed.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I love spending time with you, even if you do have panic attacks, you're still pretty cool."

"Well, thanks." I smiled softly, feeling warm, then braced myself for something to come, and knock the breath out of me.

But. Nothing did. I looked at my hands, confused, as they shook violently. Maybe I was just cold... or scared? I took my hand to my mouth, and started to bite my fingernails.

Aaron pulled me closer, and I felt my cheeks warm up, and my heart rate speed up a bit. I looked up at him as he started straight ahead.

We sat like this for a while until it was time for both of us to go home. He walked me up to my door and we stood there in silence. "I had fun," I tucked some hair behind my ear.

"Me too. Even if we did just sit. It was peaceful for a change. You know?"

"Yeah..." I nodded, even though I knew nothing about peace, and what it felt like. "Well maybe we should do this again sometime? Except maybe talk or play a game or something?" I suggested.

"That would be awesome. Except, hopefully, next time Gene won't bother you. And then, hopefully, you won't have to slap him," he laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"I think that was the most violent action I have ever committed in my entire life."

"That doesn't surprise me," he laughed. "Well, I got to get going. Bye." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and ran off down the sidewalk. I stood still on my porch.

What was this that I was feeling? It was really strange. I felt very warm, and my heart beats seemed to be fluttering instead up pumping, and why did it feel like it was racing?

Is this anger, fear, hate?

Dare I say... love? I gulped and felt my cheeks warm up a bit.

If that's what the feeling of love is... then why am I not having a panic attack?

Is he... fixing me?

That's impossible. I would never happen. Maybe I need to see if my biological parents know anything about that... well it looks like I may be going back to see them anyways... but I'd have to go alone.

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