Chapter 7

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The bell rings. "Ugh, thank god, this class is such a bore!" Rosie shouts.

I pack up my backpack and throw it over my shoulder. "Come on Rosie, it's not that bad." I say.

She gives me a dirty look. "You're kidding me right? This class is the definition of boring."

"I kinda like it..."

"Well you're also a complete nerd." I roll my eyes but I don't protest, I am kind of a nerd...

"Hey I think I'm going to skip lunch, I wanted to find this book in the library and check it out." I say to her. She gives me a serious look.

"See, nerd."

"Okay, okay I get it. I'm still going though."

She lets out a frustrated breath and then sighs. "Fine, I'll see you after school Ev. Bye!" she waves and walks off to the cafeteria.

Awesome! Now I can go enjoy my time in the library. I love being in a quiet area where no one can bug me. I enter and see the librarian at the desk. She looks up.

"Good afternoon Evelyn." She says with a smile.

"Good afternoon Ms. Trey." I say and make my way to the books. I look past the non-fiction section and the fantasy section to get to the mystery section. I smile to myself. I love mystery books. It's the best feeling when you are able to put the pieces together before they reveal what really happens.

I scan through and finally find the book I was looking for. I place my backpack onto the ground and lean against the bookshelf. I open up the cover and run my fingers over the pages and flip to the first page of the story.

Soon I'm engulfed in a fantasy world that drags me from reality.

I'm half way down page three when my book is suddenly ripped from my hands. I look up surprised. I'm even more surprised when I see who stole my book.

Gavin. He's standing there holding my book and reading the page I was on.

"You're into books?" he says.

"Yes. Now can I please have it back?" I say as I reach for it. He lifts it over his head and away from my reach.

"Nope. Sorry, bookworm."

I frown. "Come on, give it Gavin." He smirks at me.

I jump up to get it but it's too high. He freaking towers over me as it is, and his arms are so freaking long! I jump up again but this time I lose my balance. I collide with Gavin and cause him to fall backwards. We land with a thud on the ground.

"Ow." I say. I rub my head with one hand and push myself up off of the hard surface with the other. When I look down I notice I'm lying on top of Gavin, shit!

He rubs his head and looks up at me. He's about to open his mouth and make a sassy comment but I cut him off.

"I don't want to hear it Gavin. I'm clumsy I know. Don't hold it against me." he smirks at me. I let out a frustrated sigh. Great, now he knows how much of a klutz I am.

"Fine I won't say anything."

I smile, "Really? Wow... Guess you're in a better mood than you were this morning."

He laughs. "Yeah I guess so, but um. Are you planning on staying here with me all day or..." I look down and realize I'm still on top of him. My face blushes bright red and I get off of him.

"I am so sorry." I say. I stand up and offer him my hand for support. He grabs it gently and I help get him to his feet.

"It's fine don't worry about it, I guess it is kind of my fault for taking your book in the first place." I smirk.

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