Chapter 16

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"Excuse me, do you know where cabin 24 is?" I ask the manager of the Morris Woodberry Cabin's resort. He is sitting behind the check in counter.

"Well of course I know, but may I ask why you would like to know that? That cabin is currently occupied at the moment." I smile at him sweetly.

"I know, my aunt Gloria is staying there. She wanted me to stop and visit her for a little bit." He nods his head then looks behind me at Gavin, he gives Gavin a questioning look.

"Is this your brother then?" The man asks. I look to Gavin. Gavin smirks and walks up to me and puts an arm around my shoulders.

"No she's my girlfriend. Her aunt wanted to meet me for the first time." I smile and look to the manager. See my cover did come in handy!

"Oh, okay. Gloria is a very nice woman. I'm sure she will be happy to see you then. The cabins are back behind the main building. Cabin twenty four is the twelfth cabin on the left. it is the most secluded. You know how she doesn't like noises." I nod like I understand.

"Of course. Sounds just like her. Thank you!" I say. Gavin removes his arm from my shoulder and I lead him through the lobby and out the back door into the pouring rain.

I put my hood back on and follow the managers directions. As I pass by all the other cabins I notice how similar they are to the one in my vision. This is definitely the right place.

In the distance I see a small light shine from deep in the woods. That looks familiar.


I freeze in my place as thunder booms around me. So that really was thunder in my vision... I feel something touch my shoulder and I jump. I turn and see Gavin with his hand where my shoulder once was. He's giving me a serious look.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and nod. Jesus he scared the crap out of me!

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little jumpy is all..." I look toward the light on the cabin and take in a shaky breath. Okay, I've got this. "Come on." I say.

We walk towards the light. Every step closer reveals a little bit more of the cabin.

"So this is where Kari is?" Gavin asks me. I shake my head.

"No she's in the woods behind the cabin. She's about to have quite the conflict with Gloria. We need to hurry." I say. I rush toward the woods. Crap, which way did I go in my vision... I remember something happened that lead me to Kari... What was it?

A loud voice screeches through the trees like someone is yelling.

Oh right! I could hear their fighting... I rush over to where I hear the voices coming from. Gavin is right behind me. As I get closer I see Kari's and Gloria's figures appear. This time Kari is already on the ground and Gloria is hovering over her.

"Stop!" I scream and continue to run through the trees. Gloria looks up and sees Gavin and me coming. She jumps up and begins to shift.

She lands on the ground with her four paws and stares at us for a moment. Then she runs off. So many parts of my body are telling me to run after her and make her pay for what she did, but I know I need to help Kari.

I run to Kari's side and lift her head and place it on my lap. She's definitely still alive. She is only knocked out. I hope this spell isn't permanent....

I look up and notice that Gavin isn't next to me. I look around quickly. I find him standing at the woods where I just came from. He's looking in the direction in which Gloria just left. He looks stunned.

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