Chapter 15

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A loud boom sounds through the sky. I look around me. Where am I? I squint my eyes but the rain is clouding my vision, making it difficult to see. As I walk, I notice a light in the distance. Maybe someone can tell me exactly where I am right now.

I follow the dim light. As I get closer I see that it is illuminating a small cabin. I squint my eyes through the thundering rain and notice that it's cabin number 24. Why does it have a number? I walk onto the steps of the small cabin and under its dry awning. I ring my hair out and take a closer look at where I am. When I do, I see a name above the number 24. It says Morris Woodberry Cabins. Oh so this has to be a rental. I walk up to the door and knock.

After a few minutes of no replies, I give up on waiting. I try to turn the door nob but it doesn't budge. Damn it's locked... Guess I need to try something else. I look back out into the thundering rain. Great, I have to go back out in that...

I take a deep breath. Well here goes nothing. I step back out into the sad scene.

I see another light attached to the house that shines down on what appears to be a tiny drive way. Well, if you can even call it that. It's more like a dirt patch. There are two cars parked there. I walk around and look at the back of the first car. I read the license plate and it says it is from South Carolina. Holy crap, how did I get in South Carolina? I look closer at the plate and it says the town of Littleton. I look at the second car which is a truck. Hm, weird that kinda looks like Bryce's truck.

I hear a loud noise. Almost like someone yelling. It came from behind the cabin.

I sprint in the direction of the noise. It sounded like a girl's voice. What if someone's in trouble?

My vision is blurred by the rain but I soon see two foggy figures in the distance. They are standing pretty far from one another. I take a step closer but their words are muffled by the sound of droplets hitting the forest around me. On the bright side, I feel the rain beginning to lighten up.

I step closer and the rain clears up enough for me to hear a little bit of what's going on.

"-found me. Good job. But finding me can't help your little sister. You don't know how to reverse it."

"I might not know a spell to reverse it but I sure as hell know one way to help my sister." Holy crap is that Kari? What the hell is she doing in the pouring rain in South Carolina talking to this crazy woman.

The lady with white hair says, "Oh yeah. What's that?"

Suddenly Kari rips a black object from her pocket and points it at the woman. Oh my god, it's a gun! Where the hell did she get a gun from? Kari what are you thinking?

"I'm going to kill you Gloria." I look at her shocked. Hold on. Gloria? as in the witch who stole my ability to shift? I turn and see Gloria smirking.

"Si unus ceciderit sopor" Gloria speaks quickly. Kari's expression turns to that of horror. What just happened?

The gun falls to the floor with a thud followed by my sisters body. Kari! I try to shout but no words come out of my mouth. Gloria approaches her unmoving body and kneels down.

"You thought you could beat me with a simple gun? Oh hun, you're too naive." She picks up the gun and twirls it in her hand. "I never was fond of these things." She looks up quickly as if she heard a noise. I hear rustling behind me but I don't turn. My eyes are glued to Gloria.

She closes her eyes. Then I see her hands start to turn into big paws and a snout grows from her face. In a matter of seconds there is no longer a crazy white hair woman in front of me. Instead there is a beautiful brown and white wolf. It's coat is similar to that of a husky, it is mostly brown but it's chest, stomach, and some of its face is white. The only ugly thing about this wolf is it's red eyes. She stands there for a moment. I almost feel as if she's staring at me...

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