Chapter 11 - Cadenza

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Things to know:

Y/N - your name

F/C - your fav color

E/C - your eye color

H/C - your hair color

F/A - fav anime

Italics are your dream and everyone's thoughts


Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up in a strange area. A prison cell. Around me was all red. "I-is this the nether?" I asked myself. "Yes. This is the nether. Hell, as some might call it." I looked around me. Across from my cell was a girl. She had orange and yellow ombre hair. She wore a green dress with lace sleeve. "I've been trapped here for a few days now. It's not as bad as it seems, just, don't get the shadow knights mad." I slightly nodded my head in response. "Oh yeah, I'm Cadenza. Nice to meet you." Cadenza. I know that name. "Wait, do you have a brother?" "Um yeah, I do." "Is his name Laurence?"  Her eyes went from sadness to hope. "Yes." I knew it! "Cadenza, he has been worried sick about you! He thinks you're dead! He locked himself in his room and refuses to come out!" "Wait? He did? That idiot!" I was really confused. "Why is he an idiot?" "Well he-wait, be quiet."

I heard footsteps. Every second it got louder and louder. A shadow knight walked around the corner and up to Cadenza's cell. "Oh Cadenza, you poor soul. Looks like your stupid brother hasn't come. Has he?" She had white hair and wore all black. "Well, I guess Gene will just have to kill you. Won't he?" "Laurence is coming! He's my brother!" "Oh, so your brother hasn't come to save you? Cadenza dear, it's  been 6 days. You said he would be here within a week. Looks like a no show. Huh?" "Sasha, st-stop. He's coming! I swear to Irene he's coming!" "You have 1 day Cadenza. One. Day. Bye!" All you heard were the clanking of her heels until it all went silent. "Cadenza, I'm sorry." A few tears fell down her cheeks. "I-it's okay. I just, I wish Laurence would at least try and save me. But, I guess he'd like it better if I was dead." "Cadenza, I-" But then I heard a ringing sound. Like a church bell. And there was white.

I jumped up from my bed. It took me a second, but then I realized, I knew where Cadenza was! I threw on my F/C and white F/A shirt and black shorts. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my F/C combat boots. "Why are you in such a rush?" Aaron walked up behind me drinking a cup of coffee. "I. know. Where. Cadenza. Is." He practically spit out his coffee. "Y-you do?! But how?" "Long story. I've gotta go find Laurence. I'll talk to you later." I almost face-planted into the door because I forgot to open it. I just brushed it off and ran to the guard tower. "Y/N, why are you in such a rush?" Dante asked. "Long *pant* story *pant*." I ran passed him and tripped over a rock. I plummeted to my death but someone caught me. "Woah, calm down." I looked up and saw Laurence. "LAURENCE!" I jumped on him and pinned him to the ground. "Why are you so jumpy? Jeez." "Laurence, I know where Cadenza is!" His face went from gloomy to hopeful. "Y-you do?" "Laurence, she's in the nether. The shadow knights have her. Their going to kill her if you don't get there by tonight!" "Wait, WHAT?" "You heard me!"

I got off of him. "Laurence, we need to go to the nether."

Cadenza's P.O.V

Someone, please help me.

A/N: So, I have now decided to make my author's notes bold. I would have done it before, but I'm way to freaking lazy. So yeah. Sorry for the very short chapter. You see, I'm not supposed to be on my laptop. And I didn't start writing this till very late. Like, an hour ago maybe. And for when I usually start them, it's at like, 5. Yeah. The next chapter will be super long, I promise. Guys, I'm going to start asking you questions of the day, cuz, why not? So, what's your fav book series. Mine is either Percy Jackson or Maximum Ride. I was looking through Wattpad and there's a cross-over of these two and I almost threw my phone across the room I was so excited. And trust me, that's something I would never do. How are you liking the story so far? Okay, I'm going now. Night! Ba-bye! ~I too, appreciate your existence (lawl (-;)

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