*Cake wars and Death(Part 2)*

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Just because I'm nice:

Y/N-your name

E/C-your eye color

H/C-your hair color

Orange Juice is good

F/C-your fav color

Like, orange juice is really good

S/F/C-your second fav color

T/F/C-your third fav color

MORE KOOL-AID (get the reference? Tehehe, I'm so funny)

W/C-your weapon of choice

Y/N/KC-whatever Crazy-ass fangirl #1 calls you

Italics are thoughts

Okay, teim for le story!

Y/N's P.O.V

"Or did I?" He asked. "Or did you-" I was cut off by Aaron smashing his cake in my face. "HA! That's what you get!" I took my sleeve and smeared most of the cake off. "Why you little-GAHH!" He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "STOP! DOING! THIS!" I screamed, pounding my fist against his back. "Well~" He started. "I mean, I could stop, but, where's the fun in that?" 

I looked down and realized I still had my cake in my hand. "Aaron, can you put me down?" I asked. "Why?" "Um, no reason. Just for a second, okay?" He set me down. "What did-" I smashed my cake in his face. "AH HA!" I screamed as I ran back towards the plaza. I was running so fast that I almost knocked, like, 8 people over. I ran over to Aphmau and Garroth. "Guys, save me!" I said, waving my arms around frantically. "What did you do this time Y/N?" Aphmau asked. I gave her a 'seriously' look before I explained what happened. "Ohhhhh! That makes sense. Well, Y/N, dear, you see, you should run." 

"What? Why?" "Trust me. Just start running." I looked at Garroth. "Why am I running though?" "Well, Aaron always gets his revenge, and, you should just run." I gave them both a look before I walked away. I saw Laurence and walked over to him. "Sup bro." I said, attempting to be cool. "Um, hi." He waved slightly before looking down at the floor. I could tell something was wrong. "Hey, you okay?" I asked. "Um, yeah. I'm fine." I sat next to him. "No Laurence, you're not okay. What's wrong?" He looked up at me and I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Y/N. please don't tell anyone. Especially Cadenza. Promise to me you won't tell anyone. I just-I don't want her to freak out." (Sound likes he's about to tell you he's pregnant. LOL!) I gave him a reassuring nod. "Okay. Um, my dad-he-he died." I looked at him for a second, making sure I heard him right. "L-Laurence. I-I'm so sorry." I gave him a side-hug and looked at him. "I-it's okay. I just don't know what to do anymore." He buried his face in his hands.

I was still giving him a bone-crushing side-hug when Aaron walked over, with a cake in his hand. "Oh, there you are Y/N. I've been meaning to repay you for smashing that cake in my-" He looked at Laurence and could obviously tell something was wrong too, because the look in his eyes went from slightly ticked off to concerned. "Laurence, what's wrong?" He asked as he sat next to him. I, on the other hand, was still, giving Laurence, a bone-crushing hug, slightly less bone-crushing.

Laurence let out a sigh before answering. "My-my dad died." "Laurence, I'm so sorry." Aaron said as he put a hand on Laurence's shoulder. "It's okay." He sighed. "I can handle it, but Cadenza, she won't take the news as calmly as I did. And I don't want to tell her. The only other person besides you two that know about this, is Aph. I was going to ask her, bu-" I cut him off. "Laurence, it's okay. I'll go get Aph and her and I will tell Cadenza. Just stay here with Aaron. And get some cake. Then, smash it in Aaron's face for me. Okay?" He gave me a small smile. "Okay." And after that, I skipped off to find Aph.

The Tears in Her Eyes (Aaron x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant