Chapter 13 - The Nether

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Things to know:

Y/N-you name

E/C-your eye color

H/C-your hair color

F/C-your fav color

W/C-your weapon of choice

Italics are thoughts

Y/N's P.O.V

I just stood there in silence. "A-Aaron, what are you talking about?" He looked down at me. Wow, I was short. 

"Y/N, you can't go. I can't let you go." He had a concerned look in his eyes. 

"Why? Why can't I go Aaron?" 

"Because, think about it. When you were younger, they were after you. What makes you think they still aren't? Your DAD is a shadow knight Y/N. They want your power. HE wants your power. You can't go." 

I looked at him for a second but turned away. "Look Aaron, I need to go. Whether you like it or not, I'm going. Cadenza needs our help. And Laurence needs MY help. So, I'm going." I picked up my F/C backpack and started for the door. Aaron put his arm in the doorway.

"You're. Not. Going." I tried to push his arm out of the way but it didn't work. So, I ducked under his arm and ran down the hallway. I guess being short does come in handy. I bolted down the stairs and ran out the front door slamming it behind me. I ran over to Laurence and the others. 

"Y/N, where the heck were you? And why were you running?" 

"Long story." They gave me a weird look but shrugged it off and kept talking. 

"Okay, so, how are we going to get Cadenza back?" Dante asked. "We could-" I was about to finish but Aaron came up from behind me and tackled me to the ground. "GET OFF ME!" I shouted in frustration. 

"Nope. Not until I know you're not going to the nether." 

"Why wouldn't she be going to the nether?" Laurence asked in confusion. 

"Well Laurence, you see, her father is a shadow knight. And I can't let her go because she is risking her life. And I won't let her do that. I need to know she's safe. So, she's staying here." 

I was so ready to smack him, but I didn't. "If you're so concerned Aaron, why don't you come along. You could make sure I'm safe, and help us." I replied back sassily. He gave me a look. 

"Fine, I'll come." He got off me and helped me back up.

"Okay, so, I guess we're going to the nether!"

We were at the nether portal in the wolf tribes village. It glowed at very vibrant purple with tiny little purple particle's. Laurence, Garroth, Dante, Aaron and I stood in front of it. We all looked at each other and nodded as we started towards the portal. It was kind of like we were in one of those superhero movies. It was cool. "Ladies first." I told them as we walked into the portal. They just rolled their eyes. 

After a few seconds of just of wavy purple we were in the nether. I looked around and saw a huge castle made of nether brick. There was a bridge and on it stood about 3 dozen shadow knights. I looked down at all of them. A few of them looked familiar. But one in particular stood out. I turned away so I didn't have to look at him any longer. I didn't realize how scared I was until 

Aaron grabbed my hand. "He's here, isn't he?" I slightly nodded my head. He looked down and I pointed to him. My dad. He was here. I couldn't believe it.

I tried to focus on rescuing Cadenza but it was so hard. The thought of my dad still being alive killed me. "Okay," Laurence said, "Dante, Garroth and I will go and distract the shadow knights. Y/N and Aaron, you go find a way into the castle. Go and find my sister. Please." 

The Tears in Her Eyes (Aaron x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora