3-All Night

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[Jenna's POV]


After emptying my system more times than seem possible overnight, the headache begins to wear off. The last few times, I didn't even make it to the bathroom, I just didn't care anymore.

Some time in the early daylight hours, Alex came home and assessed the hangover situation. She brought me a trash bin and then went to bed.

She cares about me so much, it warms me heart.

I think it's around noon when I finally don't feel the urge to rip my insides out. I blink my eyes open and squint at the curtains, which are open. Wide open.

I hastily pull them closed and rub my temples.

I open my door and peek out into the living room. So sign of Alex.

I go into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. My feet against the cold tiles of the kitchen floor feels nice.

A glass of water is poured and downed sooner than you could say "supercalifragilisticexpealidocious"

I hear a faint creaking noise coming from Alex's room and I prepare myself for a hurricane. She opens her door slowly and looks quite surprised when she sees me standing in the kitchen.

"Where did you go last night?" Alex asks with a grin.

I roll my eyes and respond, "I was drunk, I'm not even gonna talk about it."

"Well, you are all over twitter..." She trails off and hands me her phone before walking back I it her room.

Its a picture of me.

And Harry.

The girl who posted it put the caption "I don't know who this girl is but Harry seems happy and she is pretty."

I go to the trends and nearly scream.






Apparently, I'm Harry's little black secret.

I can't show myself in public for the risk of being spotted.

I don't want to remember last night, I don't want to remembering at all.

I search Harry's twitter and read his last tweet.

I need help finding a girl... Xx

He. Did. Not.

He posted a picture that one of the paparazzi people must've taken. It's of me and him going into his hotels my face is looking directly at the camera. How could I be so stupid?

It's a good thing the only social networking site I use is Facebook and Instagram. At least it would be more of a challenge for anyone to find me on there.

I shuffle back into my room with anger written all over my face.

I told him not to look for me.

I told him I didn't want to remember.

Well he obviously does.

I turn on the water and plug the drain, I need a hot bath.

I fill up the water and get in after putting my hair in the tight bun.

The water relaxes me and soothes the less imminent headache. I just lie back and let the tiredness in my muscles take my into unconsciousness.


"Jenna! Jenna! Wake up. He found you." I hear Alex yelling from outside the door.

I moan and slip out of the cold water. How long was I asleep? The water was hot when I got in...

I put on a robe and open the door.

Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I say, "Who found me?"

She cringes and says, "Directioners."

She hands me my phone and I look at the open screen. It's my Instagram and somehow, I managed to gain 1,201 followers.

"Oh, wonderful. Why are there still Directioners around when the band doesn't even exist anymore? Thanks anyway Alex."

"My pleasure."

She turns and walks out of my room with a look of distaste on her face. It's not my fault he wants to find me. Well, I am the one who went with him last night and...

I close the bathroom door and sit on the side of the tub while it drains.

There are hundreds of nice and kind comments alone with a few "you don't deserve him" type of comments. The nerve of some people.

I probably don't deserve him! He saw me at a club and took me to his hotel room! What kind of a person deserves that kind of a guy? I think I deserve better...

I scroll through my newsfeed and find one particular follower that interests me.


Well, there goes my plan of forgetting.


Sorry it's so short, I didn't have much time to write and I've had a nasty writers block these past few days...

Hope you enjoy, and give me your feedback!

Love it? Hate it?

The song for this chapter is "All Night" by Icona Pop

Comment what you think will happen(:

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