Chapter 7

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   Back on the ship as it slowly floats over the state of New York, Castiel smiles at the demigods.

    "It's nice to meet you all."

  "Likewise" Jason says confused.

  "This is Castiel, an angel." Dean says. Cas leans over against Dean's shoulder and whispers in his ear. "Angel of the Lord, excuse me." Dean corrects with a slightly deadpan look.

   Cas instantly sits down at the table and pulls out a map. "where was the last time you saw Kevin?" He asks Dean and Sam.

   "We haven't, but I can call Garth." Sam says puzzled, quickly pulling out his phone and dialing a number. He walks out of the mess hack and steps into the hallway. His words can be made out, but they can hear him talking to someone.

   "Cas, why do we need Kevin?" Dean asks, sitting next to the Angel.

   "He has the translation of the demon tablet, there is a part in it that references the underworld gods and goddesses and how to take care of them." He replies.

   Sam walks back in and hands Castiel a scrap of paper with writing on it. "That's the date and town, anything more specific than that he doesn't have."

   The demigods watch Cas, as if he was a scientific specimen. Leo comes to the table to sit by Cas after settling the ship in a hovering mode. "Where in Colorado?" He inquires after Cas studies the paper and the map for a few seconds.

  "A little town," Cas turns the map over in the air and peers at the criss-crossing lines,"called Windsor."

   "How long ago was he seen?" Asks Dean.

    "A few days." Castiel replies.

  Leo takes the map from Cas and peers at it himself. "It will take about a day and a half to get there."

   "That's not bad, but is there anything we could do to make it faster? The more time we take to find the way to kill her, the more time she has to push against the wall." Jason says, concern masking his face.

   "I can put together a boost or something like that, it won't be a hundred percent foolproof." Leo says, pulling a car part out if his tool belt and fiddling with it.

   Jason stands up and starts pacing, back and forth. "That could work, what time frame would that put us in?"

  "Half a day."

Sam nods, "that will work. It won't take long once we're there, just get the info and then get back to Utah."

   "We'll have crossed the whole country by the time we're ready to beat Nyx!" Leo yells, exasperated.

   Piper laughs, and so does everyone else. "I'll get started in that first thing in the morning." Leo says.

   "Well if that's all settled, then I will see you all in Windsor." Cas says, and with the sound of beating wings, he vanishes.

  Hazel jumps with a little shriek, and Dean bites back a smirk. "He can teleport anywhere." He explains.

   "Cool." Hazel replies, smiling at Dean.

    "Well if I'm gonna play with fire tomorrow, then imma need some sleep." Leo says, standing up put of his chair.

     "Everyone should, we have a busy day tomorrow." Jason says, as Frank and Nico start towards the doorway. Piper and Annabeth leave together, followed by Percy and Jason. Sam and Dean head to their cabin too and Leo is left alone yet again. He heads up to the deck and takes a deep breath of crisp night air. The control panel blinks in when he presses the cruise button and Festus whirs and clicks. "Yep, see ya in the morning buddy." He relies, being the only person who could understand the dragon's language.

Winchesters and the Seven: Greek Gods (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon