Celty's Understanding

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Izaya POV

The nightmare came back again. Where I was completely lost in darkness. Still hearing those screams.  And then..... the monster. Circling around me. Growling threateningly. I woke up still at Shinra's apartment.  The two didn't know I was awake yet and they were whispering a conversation between eachother. 

"I'm worried about him Celty! He's never been one to share something secret that makes him vulnerable to anyone! Something is seriously wrong. I know that just because he's here." Shinra whispered.

"He will be okay.  We have to get his permission to take him to the hospital.  And im sure he doesn't want to go." Celty typed back. 

"But he could have something as serious as a brain tumor Celty!" Shinra whisper yelled. 

"He doesn't. I know your worried but Izaya is strong. He knows he can come to us if he was worried about something as serious as a brain tumor. Until then, we just have to respect his wishes and privacy.  We aren't taking him right now Shinra." Celty answered through typing. 

"But-" Shinra started. 

This conversation was really ticking me off. 

"I'm. Fine." I growled, sitting up. 

"Oh! Uhm.... Izaya you're awake. How long were you lying there?" Shinra asked nervously. 

"Long enough." I grumbled.  "Look. I appreciate that you're worried about me, but I'm fine.  Honest."

"I....i just..." Shinra stuttered.

"I know Shinra.  But I'm good. I promise. If anything strange comes up I'll come here immediately." I answered. Suddenly Celty typed something and hid it from Shinra's view so only I could read it. 

"I need to talk to you. ALONE." Was on the screen. 

"I'm fine." I whispered annoyed.

"no. The voices? I know what they are." Was all that was on the screen.  I stiffened, excitement, fear, and confusion rushing through me.  She knew? What?  I softly nodded and looked back to Shinra, who had been constantly talking about the brain and tumors and a whole bunch of science stuff I didn't understand. 

"Woah woah Shinra!" I slowed him. "Look.  I have to get going. I'll see ya later." I said standing up. Immediately pain shot through my head and I winced.  But I twirled around and grabbed my jacket.  I then waltzed out the door and hid, waiting to see Celty follow. A couple of minutes later, Celty walked through the door and down the hallway. I immediately ran after her. We stopped after she pulled me into the elevator. She closed the doors and then went down two and a half floors before emergency stopping the elevator.

"Alright. What do you know Celty!?" I confronted her fiercely.

"Calm down. It's not my fault you never told anyone about this before." She answered in text.

"I know!" I shouted, I then sighed. "I'm sorry. I've just been suffering through it for many years, not knowing why.  And now suddenly, someone else tells me they know what the voices mean. I'm just...... anxious." I explained.

"Yeah that's usually how it works." Celty typed.

"Please..... please tell me.  I need to know why." I pled desperately.

"Okay. Just don't freak out." She slowly typed. I only nodded in agreement very quickly. "Those voices? Are ghosts of the dead. Those screams? They are the screams of pain from those people who died horrible deaths.  And that awful really loud soul crushing scream? That's the scream of an innocent soul harboring all of the pain that has not been unleashed on each person of humanity yet.  You see, every human must go through their share of pain in their life. To balance out all of the good, and make the good feel deserved. There is one very pure soul feeling all of that pain until some of it is used for the humans.  And that is the why that girl is screaming. Some humans have to deal with more pain in their lives than others because, the girl will die if put into to much pain. So some humans have to deal with the pain that has to come from the girl so she will not perish and can continue harboring the pain. Also, I'm sure you can imagine, the ghosts of the dead want to make things right with anyone and settle their debts so that they can all move on and into the afterlife completely. Unfortunately, they don't realize that if they all talk at once trying to settle their debts, you can't hear them individually and no one can move on.  The ghosts are very impatient, because they have been passed to many different people; Maybe over thousands of years. Ironically, after suffering through this for all of your life, I, a dulahan, will escort you to the afterlife and your debts will automatically be forgiven. You are the only person who can go to the afterlife directly after death.  Everyone else must go into that form of a ghost and be transferred into another person like yourself.  This excludes children however, they are all taken directly to the afterlife. But, now do you understand?  Why you have all of that?" She typed, explaining everything she could.  I was in complete shock.

"B....but..... what about..... the..... monster?" I asked, my voice weak and barely above a whisper. 

"Yes. That's the devil. He is in your head too. Because, some souls only have a matter of time before their great debts are due.  Such as murderers, rapists, etc. They only have a certain amount of time before their debts cannot be repayed. The devil then drags them to hell, where they live in torture for a couple of days before he devours their souls. But don't worry, he cannot hurt you. Only take some of those voices away." Celty typed again.

"But...w-why me?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Because you are the only one that can survive this. Any other one would have died. Seemingly from natural causes, but in reality, it would be from those ghosts strangling and killing them.  You, however, no one will attack. Because every ghost is briefed on their new host's personality before you are born.  And so, everyone is afraid of you and will not attack you. Well.... no one other than Shizuo that is." Celty joked, trying weakly to lighten the mood.  I collapsed onto my knees sobbing. The voices were never going to go away.  Never.  Not until I died. And there wasn't anything anyone could do. There wasn't any cure. Celty knelt beside me and hugged me tightly.

"H-how do you know all of this is true?" I asked, desperately praying she said she didn't know for sure and I was just insane. Then there was a cure for those voices.

"I'm a dulahan. An angel of death.  I was born with this information so I could find my next escort. Funny really, I never thought it would be you that was next." Celty answered through typing.   Right.  Of course. Why would I think anything else? Of course Celty would know.  But that was truly it.  Live out my suffering until I died and then I would be able to find peace in the afterlife. I sobbed again letting Celty hug me and I started trying to accept my fate.

Hi everyone! It's author-chan!! :3 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know it's been all explaining stuff so far, but in the next chapter I'm gonna incorporate "Shizu-chan" a little more.  So, basically I'll be starting on developing their relationship.  :D  I wanna thank all of you SO much for staying with me so far and I REALLY hope you continue to enjoy. I'm still getting a lot of AWESOME feedback and I love you all so SO much! \>~</ ♡ ♡

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