Our Last Battle

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"I-i-i" I stuttered trying to remember how to breathe. " I love you both." I whispered looking at them before hanging my head and letting the tears fall to the ground below me.

Izaya POV

The tears kept falling and I began t try and stop them, when I felt a cold soft hand fall upon my shoulder.

"Izaya. It's okay. Don't cry. We're right here. We're spirits inside your head, just like all of the other voices." Mairu whispered trying to comfort me.

Suddenly I realized why they were here. They were more spirits that once they had died, they became confined in my head until their unfinished businesses was completed. But then, why weren't they drowned in with all the other voices? I sniffled, stopping my tears and wiping my cheeks. Mairu giggled and looked at me.

"Because you care about us. We're not strangers to you. You want us to find peace so your brain found a way to project us for a limited time as spirits. Man you over think so much! Like wanting to leave. Don't you think that Shinra, Celty, Namie, even Shizuo would miss you?" She asked suddenly quite serious.

A dark and angry chuckle left my lips. "No. They wouldn't miss me. And if you were in my head hearing my thoughts you should know by now why." I told them with a sadistic tone. I smirked and changed the subject to something that was actually important. "But if you guys are spirits in my head, doesn't that mean I can complete your unfinished business so you both can be at peace?" I asked, hoping the answer was yes.

"Technically yes, you're correct." Mairu replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Then, do you know what your business is?" I asked thinking through possibilities.

"Yes of course we do silly. Are you willing to help us?" She questioned camly.

"Of course. Your deaths were my fault. You deserve to still be alive. But I can't bring you back to life. So, I'll do anything to make it at least a little alright for you two." I answered, quite sure of myself in the reply. I was going to make this right. In any way I could, I would put them at peace. Even if it was the last thing I did.

Shizuo POV

I had stayed away like the Flea had told me to. That hurt to be honest, but I wasn't going to go against his wishes. He had wanted to die, and I had saved him from death. I could understand being angry. But what I didn't understand was why he wanted to die in the first place! He had so many people that cared about him. He had to have been able to see that. Namie, Shinra, Celty, His sisters wouldn't want him to die, and maybe -yes even me. That stupid flea had come barging into my life and messing everything up. And now he wanted to just leave without any payment? Yes, that's why I didn't want him to die. I knew I was lying to myself but pushed that thought away and let anger overtake me. I began marching back to Shinra's apartment and broke the door down. I stomped to the back but was completely shocked to find the room empty. The Flea was gone! I growled in anger and walked up to Shinra.

"Where the hell did he go!?" I yelled furiously.

"Agh! Shizuo! C-calm down!" Shinra squeaked, frightened by my anger.

"Don't tell me to calm down! Where's the damn flea!? You don't let a patient go after he just tried to commit suicide you idiot!" I roared, my anger only increasing.

"I-I'm sorry! He wouldn't lay down! He left before I could stop him! I don't know where he went!" Shinra cried out. I growled lowly and ran out the door searching for the damn flea that completely ruined my life. I searched for many hours before finally finding him in the park looking for something. I ran up to him, my anger only slightly calming at seeing him.

"You damn flea!" I growled lowly.

"Ahh. Of course. So you've found me Shizu-chan. Are you back to yourself now that I'm better? You certainly seem like it." He teased smirking, but somehow his eyes still seemed different than before all of this happened. He still had that stupid smirk, still had that same frame, and still had that stupid fuzzy jacket. But his eyes were quite different, and I didn't know the right word for it.

"Hah. I'm perfectly fine. But you shouldn't be up." I scolded frowning at how skinny he still was. "You're still not better."

"I'm fine Shizu-chan. But you seem to have gone soft." He teased twirling in a circle.

"I haven't gone soft stupid. I was only making sure that you would die from me and not from being weak or sick or something." I lied convincingly. To be completely honest to myself, I still didn't know why I hadn't tried to kill him. I still didn't want to kill him, but at the same time I did. My heart ached at the thought that he had told me to leave. He didn't even notice at all that I was trying to make a peaceful relationship work. Friends almost. No, he was waiting for me to try and kill him again. He could never trust me. Maybe that was a good thing. I would only hurt him. I noticed him flinch before he smirked once more and covered up his real feelings.

"Well I'm better now Shizu-chan. If you could, I'd like to make it as painless as possible okay?" He asked provoking me further.

"No way flea. I'll make it as terrible as possible." I growled pulling up a stopsign. All of the pain of him rejecting me and all the anger I was keeping piled up, I finally allowed myself to accept those thoughts. I had to make everything normal again or it would hurt too much. I ran forward swinging the sign at his side. He danced out of the way, his annoying smirk growing wider on his face. I growled lowly, swinging again and again trying to hit the Flea.

Izaya POV

I danced around continually dodging his attacks. Inside I was overwhelmingly sad, it was all an act. He didn't want peace, he still wanted to kill me. He had acted so gentle and friendly that I had accidentally let my guard down, letting my heart cling to him. I know cared about him and I had only brought this upon myself, I knew I couldn't care for him but I did anyway. Everything was back to normal now. This was better anyway, not that it didn't hurt, but now we couldn't damage each other's souls. We would try to kill eachother without ripping our hearts to peices. It would work. The fighting would distract me from the fact that I had let myself fall in love with Shizuo Heiwajima. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I kept dodging, dancing, smirking, not once letting my mask down. He would only hurt me more. Until finally, I began running away just like always. Running through allyways and streets always with Shizu-chan on my tail. It was just like old times, but still it felt different. Maybe it was because this would be our last battle.

Hi guys. Next update! ^-^ So, Shizuo is only making it worse unfortunately. But soon things are going to change and Shizu-chan will have a choice to make with Izaya's life in the balance. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Feedback is always appreciated! Constructive criticism included. Loves you all!  Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!!! ♡♡♡♡

Falling In Love With A Flea (Shizaya. IzayaxShizou)Where stories live. Discover now