Chapter 3: Rise and shine

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"Wake up, Amelia! Amelia! Fine, I tried." I hear someone calling far away.

I ignore it thinking it's my imagination and burrow my head further into my warm pillow.

"What the hell!" I shoot up and basically jump out of  bed as soon as I feel ice cold water pouring down my face.

After a mini heart attack, I notice Ann holding a bottle of water in her hand near the head of my bed.

Wait, Ann? What the F-

"Good, you're up!" She claps her hands together after calmly setting the now empty water bottle on my dresser.

"How did you get in? It's only 6:30 in the morning! I don't have to wake up until 9:30!" I moan. My first class of the day doesn't  start till 10:15 AM. I hate waking up early. I do not believe that "the early bird catches the worm". That's pure bullshit.

"Rebecca let me in." She shrugs.

I need to tell Rebecca to not let anyone in the apartment before 8 AM. She seems nice so far, but we have only been roomates for two weeks so she doesn't understand how seriously I take my sleeping time. My last roomate Julia who graduated early understood that I wasn't a morning person.

"What are you doing here so early?" I ask while using my blanket to wipe my drenched face.

"Remember when I told you that I wanted to start eating healthy and workout?"

"Yeah, I guess, but that was awhile ago."
I vagely recall.

"Well, I may have taken some time, but I'm going to start now. I'm turning a new leaf in my life and it starts with looking and feeling good." She sounds like an infomercial. "And I want you to do it with me."

I look at what she's wearing and instantly know that she is not kidding. Ann is wearing a light blue tank top with black leggings and nike running shoes.

"Why? You look fine. Also, you know I support you in everything but exercising is not my definition of fun." I groan.

"I know I'm not fat and neither is your size three ass but it's important to exercise for your heart and to feel more confident and all that crap. Oh, I also read that it helps your skin look and be healthier. See all the benefits? By the way, your definition of "fun" is probably binge watching TV shows or reading."

"Very true. I watched a whole season of One Tree Hill last night and had the time of my life. You know, I actually wish Brooke and Lucas would have ended up together. I ship them more than Lucas and Peyton."

"Crazy." Ann mumbles.

"Hey, I just prefer staying in. Speaking of which, I'm going back to sleep. Have fun with the new leaves or whatever." I begin to lift my comforter to get back in my comfy bed, which I swear is calling my name,when Ann pulls it from my hands and throws it to the ground like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"Hey-" I start to whine.

"No! You're coming with me. If I don't have someone to do this with, I'll procrastinate and never follow through. Pretty please with jelly beans on top?" She starts making sad puppy eyes.

I think carefully about it before answering. I really don't want too but she's been my best friend for almost four years now. She has always been there when I've needed her.

"Fine." I sigh in defeat. "But you owe me jelly beans."

"Deal! Now get dressed!"

----- ----- ----------

"I feel like I'm dying."

"Stop being dramatic." Ann replies sounding perfectly normal.

"I am never running with you again. My legs feel like they're on fire and I'm out of breath." I wheeze as we both come to a stop.

After I reluctantly left home to support Ann on her new "healthy lifestyle", she told me that today she wanted to run a couple of blocks around campus.

I agreed thinking I could keep up, but I was wrong. I'm currently a sweaty mess in my blue athletic shorts and white v-neck. You would think it would be cool weather since it's fall but nope, not in Texas. Here in Houston it rarely gets below the forties and even that I can't handle. I'm used to the humidity and 90 degrees farenheit summers we endure.

"No pain, no gain!" Ann shouts before taking a chug of her water.

"I think I hate you now." I flip her off and redo my ponytail. Even my hair feels oily. Gross.

"No you don't. You'll thank me later. Now I'm going to go to the bathroom at that corner store. Wanna come with me?"

"No thanks. I'll just die here." I plop on the bench and laydown sideways. My skin slowly sticks to the hot wooden material.

"Have it your way. Don't talk to strangers while I'm gone. Be right back." She tells me before jogging off towards the convinience store.

As I wait, I decide to close my eyes and enjoy the sun's warmth.

I start drifting asleep but stop when I feel someone or something poking my shoulder.

"I'm awake Ann, no need to poke me." I really don't want to move.

"It's not Ann." I hear a familiar male voice say.

No. Please don't be who I think it is.

I debate whether to play dead like a possum or run away.

"Amelia, I know you can hear me." He sounds annoyed.

I take a breath and get into a sitting position. I look straight at him and see my suspicion was correct.

Here standing in front of me is my asshole ex. Also known as Stephen.

"Long time no see Amelia." He grins when we make eye contact.
A/N: Looks like some drama is about to happen....

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