Chapter 39: 20 Dollar nose bleed

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“How could you be so stupid? I understand why you wanted to punch him since he’s an irritating ass, but could you have done it without a cafeteria full of witnesses? Better yet, not punch him. You aren’t a violent person, you could have written a strongly worded letter or something.” Jax rambles while pacing back and forth. I’m shocked the beige carpet is still there considering the amount of times he’s already walked over it in the past twenty minutes.

After Alex punched Stephen, the latter surprisingly walked away without a word. Or so we all thought. Apparently the person he went to talk and complain to was the dean. Therefore, Alex and I are currently sitting outside her office waiting to talk to her after we got pulled out of our respective classes. I’m pretty sure Stephen is in there at the moment. Jax is here because gossip travels fast.

“Thanks dad.” Alex responds dryly.

“Speaking of dad, he’s going to lose it when he finds out. You know this ruins our “reputation” here. He’s known as the perfect alumnus with a success story and prefers to keep it that way.”

“Why should we care if he finds out Jax? We don’t need him anymore.”

“Yeah but he has influence here. Instead of making this go away, he could get them to suspend you for his revenge and entertainment. You just awarded him with that opportunity. You’re a senior with just one more semester left after this one. Comment pourrais- tu être tellement bête!”

Did I hear wrong, or did Jax just switch languages on us?

“Unlike you, I didn’t take two years of french, so I have no idea what you just said.” Alex murmurs which does not seem to sit well with his brother.

“Eso no es mi culpa hermanito.”

“I see you also took spanish.” I voice, this time understanding what he said.

“I did in high school. My french skills are better than my spanish though. I just like speaking other languages to make fun of or torture Alex.” Jax laughs which causes Alex to roll his eyes.

“Stop showing off. I will eventually learn another language. Maybe I will take up portuguese to learn all the curse words. Once that happens, the tables will be turned.”

“Very mature Alex.” Jax acts irritated but smiles.

“Alexander Woods?” Dr. Gina Kline, the dean of the school, calls out from the doorway of her office. She looks to be in her forties, but it’s hard to tell her real age since she has a stern expression playing on her face making her seem older and scarier.

“Wish me luck.” Alex mumbles under his breath before standing up and walking into the office.

Without giving Jax or I a single glance, Gina closes the door and it feels like Alex just stepped into prison.

“Didn’t you once say that Stephen’s dad is a judge?” Jax questions as he finally takes a seat on the leather couch across from me.

“Sadly yes.” I answer and he flinches visibly.

“So not only could he be kicked out of school, he should also worry about charges being pressed. Things just keep getting better.”

I want to say something reassuring, but can’t come up with anything at the moment.

My phone starts blaring and I quickly fish it out of my pocket to silence it. Right before tapping the decline button, I recognize the phone number on the screen as the one that called me the other day when I was at Ihop. I’m at least ninety percent sure anyways.

“Uh, I’ll be back Jax. Let me see who this is.” I tell him before exiting out of the waiting area and into the empty main hall.

“Hello?” I answer, not sure what to expect at the other end of the line.

Kiss with a fist (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें