Chapter 9: Various Storms & Saints

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"You have no idea what you're talking about. Bye." I answer extremely annoyed and look back down at my phone as a signal for Stephen that I'm not in the mood to talk with him right now. Or ever to be exact.

"I'm pretty sure I do. Guys like him will just fuck you and move on to the next bitch. From what I've heard, he's a player. I'm just warning you." He responds in a nasty tone.

"He and I are just friends, not that I owe you an explanation. You and I on the other hand, are no longer anything." I sigh. I'm not the type of person to get over a betrayal so easily. I can't even fake being friends with him.

"Don't say that. If you would just forgive me, we could get back together. I've apologized and changed. You owe me another chance." Stephen steps closer to me and I can now smell alcohol on his breath. It unsettles me since I had never had to deal with a drunk Stephen. He rarely drank during our relationship. Then again, who knows what he did when he went to parties? After all, he did cheat on me during one.

"I don't owe you anything. Please, leave me alone." I decide to move away from this bizarre situation and go find Ann or just walk somewhere else when I feel my left hand being forcibly pulled back.

"Don't leave. Amelia, listen to me!" Stephen whines with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Stephen, let me go." I try to stay calm but he's holding my wrist so hard that I think it might break if he doesn't let it go.

"Not until you agree for us to get back together. All I'm asking is for another chance. Why are you being such a bitch about this? You think your too good for me? Are you sleeping wth someone else?"

He continues his spiel, but I'm too busy trying to pull my hand free from his grasp to even pay attention. It's not working and he puts even more pressure on it and spins my body towards him.

"Are you listening to me?" He basically spits on my face.

Okay, that's enough.

"Amelia?" I hear someone call out behind me but I'm too busy dealing with this asshole to fully recognize who's calling me.

"You're drunk and hurting me. Stop!" It feels like my wrist is going to snap. Is that possible?

Stephen softens his grip and it looks like he's about to let go when he grabs me by the shoulders and leans down to whisper in my face.

"It's your fault. If you would just fucking listen to me-"

"No. I will not listen to your drunk ass." I look him in the eye to let him know I'm serious.

He gives me a dirty look and raises his hand at me.

What happens next goes so quickly that I have trouble processing the scene at first.

As soon as I see his hand go up, I know he's planning to hit me. Or try. My first instinct is to knee him in the balls as hard as I can which causes him to fall down to his knees.

Next, I see Alex punch a now suffering Stephen right in the nose.

Wait, where did he come from? During all this, I completely forgot about him.

"Don't ever talk or touch her again. Got it? Or else I will beat your ass so bad you'll be in the hospital for the rest of your pathetic life." Alex scowls enraged.

"Fuck off." Stephen mumbles as he places one hand where I hit him and the other on his bleeding nose.

"What the fuck did you say?" Alex raises his fist again and Stephen flinches.

"Thats what I fucking thought."

"What happened?" I see Asher and Ann walk into the kitchen with baffled expressions.

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