Chapter 32: Trouble Is A Friend

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“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask Alex for probably the twentieth time now. I only keep repeating the question because his hands look tense on the steering wheel.

“Yes. Maybe. I don’t know really.” He finally confesses and exhales a long breath he must have been holding when we get a red light.

“All of the above?” I offer as a choice instead. I’m pretty sure his emotions are all over the place. Mine would be too.

“Yeah, basically. I don’t know what to expect when I see her and I’m still unsure if I made the right decision by not telling Jax. I wanted to see what she told me first before informing him of anything related to our mother. We haven’t seen her ten years, it’s not going to be easy to suddenly have her back in our lives or just bring her up. At least not for me, maybe for Jax. He’s much more trusting and easy to get along with. Sadly that’s how my Dad has manipulated him into thinking he’s such a wonderful father.”

“I can understand why you haven’t told Jax about this, you’re protective of him. That’s great since you're his big brother, but just make sure that you’re the one to tell him before someone else does.”

I finish and think about my situation with Ann. It would have been way different if she would have confessed instead. I push the thought away and vow to not think about that until later.

“So Ben really locked you and Ann in a closet?” Alex brings up.

Looks like I can’t avoid the Ann subject after all. I would rather not talk about it, but I have a feeling he’s trying to distract himself from what he’s about to face in a couple of minutes.

“Yep, I’m going to call him Dr.Phil next time I see him. Seems like he’s trying to solve problems.” I roll my eyes and laugh.

“Did it somewhat help?”

“I mean, kind of. Her and I are going to talk more about it later.”

Preferably not in a locked room against our will.

“You know, I was talking to Asher earlier and he was saying Ann missed you.” He mentions before pressing the gas and turning right as the light finally switches to green.

“I missed her too, but it was really just one full day of us not communicating. ” Though if I were being honest, I understood because we had been texting or talking to each other everyday for the past three years.

“We’re here.” Alex mumbles with a nervous edge to his voice and points at the small italian restaurant he chose to meet her at.

“It will be fine. I’m sure your mom is excited to see you.” I add with a positive tone to lighten the seriousness of it all.

“I don’t even know how I will recognize her. What if she’s dramatically changed her appearance? Do I just call out her name like a lost person?” Alex starts rambling while parking the car.

“Of course not, if necessary I will be the one to call out her name. Don’t worry about that.” I actually don’t know her name, but I hope to calm him by joking.

In response he chuckles and turns to face me after turning the car off. “Thanks for coming with me. It really means alot.”

“No problem.” I smile back before unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out the car.

Alex holds my hand as we make it to the main entrance and I can sense his nervousness creep back in. I tighten my grip on his hand as a sign of reassurance. I wish there was something encouraging I could say that I already haven’t, but come up empty. He knows I’m here for support and whatever he needs.

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