☾hapter 3-Shadow

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A chill runs up my spine the feeling of something watching me from the woods is enough to put me on an instant edge unable to look away.

My body screams fighting me to keep my stare there despite the sound of the class filling up it soon to start.

My gut twists as if I turn death will walk out of the shadows.

The mental image of claws from something large promised to pounce at me the second if given a chance.

Why does the feeling feel familiar?

Scuffing next to me makes me jump sudden movement has me looking away from the woods expecting- Well I don't know what I was expecting but not him.

My breath hitches at the man in front of me a beautiful halo almost whispers around his nearly white hair.

I swallow, my eyes not helping as they run across his sharp jaw his lips slightly turning upwards knowingly making me raise my gaze to meet his light blue eyes.

"New?" he asks but the amusement in his voice tells me it's obvious he knows the answer to that.

"Yeah" I say awkwardly my shoulders raising under his eyes power radiating off him that I haven't felt from anyone else before.

"Shadow" he greets his deep voice making goosebumps run through me when I see his outstretched welcome his fingers long his hand much larger than my own.

What kind of name is Shadow?

"I don't bite" he amuses as I take too long to respond.

"Selena" I greet my smaller hand meeting his but my heart stops on contact something small hidden underneath my soul hits me yet it is gone as soon as it comes his hand moving back.

"Selena huh?" he asks it amusing him further "have-"

"Alright class settle down" Mr Brown cuts in cutting off Shadow's next words but he says nothing licking his lower lip before facing the front his body slounging in the chair odly by his tall figure.

"Today we will be looking back to Mice and Men" Mr Brown says making the class groan.

"You are better to complain now than groan when you don't get into college. Mice and Men will be on the English exams and we will watch to the movie next week before we finish the last few chapters-"

I try and watch the class but my eyes move to the guy next to me his eyes forward writing notes as Mr Brown goes over the adjectives used in the page but I can't contrate.

Why do I feel the need to watch him?

Great I am a creep.

"Are you enjoying the town?" Shadow asks as he writes another sentence turning to me and I force myself to turn quickly realising I haven't written anything.


"I haven't seen much" I admit picking up my pen as if I had been holding it all along but heat grows to my face at his questioning stare "we moved last night"

"Then maybe I could show you around-"

"Mr Loughty have you got something you would like to share with the class?" Mr Brown asks raising his eyebrow towards us making me shrink in my seat but Shadow still holds his head up something shifting around him as if challenging the teacher.

At the corner of my eyes, I see other students look back while others look at each other with worried expressions before Shadow's face turns into a smile that seems forced.

Luna of Moonlight ☾ (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now