☾hapter 5- Fear in Comfort

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Warnings- Please be aware of the abuse in this chapter. I do not condone these behaviors. If anyone treats you this way please seek help and safety. Violence, threatening, kidnapping, and swearing. 

My eyes widen as a button to the receptionist sits on the outside of the gate making hope flutter in my stomach as the sun reflects on the voice com the metal box making my heart pick up in solace.

If I press that and scream they would have no choice but to come outside hopefully quick enough to prevent me from being kidnapped.

My legs burn as I reach out my finger touching the warm metal of the gate as I swing my body around to the front of the gate hearing the footsteps approaching matching the beating in my ears.

The sudden sensation of being secure has me touching the button quickly only to cry out as my body jolts forward being pushed into the metal gate before my body is pulled backward the ringing to the com mocking me as nails dig into my arms.

I kick back making me lose footing as my body is suddenly yanked backward my throat screeches hell as I try to trash in his hold while I try to tug forward but it is no use feeling like I was fighting against a brick wall.

My strength is nothing in comparison.

"Hello?" a familiar female voice answers the com making me fight harder relief once again setting into my bones "Help!" I shriek biting at a hand that tries to cover me "I am a student and I am being kidnapped!"

"Ignore it" an irradiated voice says deep behind me making my muscles lock in his hold his right arm seizing around my waist in a tight hold. I almost scoff in incredulity at the command in his words but frown when the com goes quiet for a few seconds before the receptionist finally replies.

"Yes alpha" she says the calling beeping to end making my stomach drop in disbelief as he uses my shock to begin to pull me back.

Tears begin to gather at the side of my eyes as I cry out in fear.

I decide to take a different approach as he pulls me into the gate I drop my whole weight to the ground "get the heck off me!" I scream as he reaches towards me I try to bite him again kicking out while yelling instantiates but he lets go making me turn to run but he is quick to lift me throwing me over his shoulder harshly.

My head smashes harshly into his back as my shaking arms try to push myself up but the tingles are instant making me loose hold of his back.

I don't stop biting and clawing into his back yet he doesn't react his muscles tense under me feeling like they have somehow grown from when he first approached me.

"Shut up!" he almost barks so I hit harder hoping anyone would come outside or hear yet no one does.

Either this is a really shady school or someone came up with a sick prank.

I glare at the guys who stand frozen their eyes widening at the scene in front of them looking on in horror "hell will follow bystanders! Ill see you all there!" I scream at them hearing a car door opening.

"I said shut the fuck up" he snarls dropping me inside before leaning over for the seat belt.

I punch him kicking him to push him back but it does nothing as he clicks me in before almost slamming the door on my foot.

The slam with the click of the lock is loud making the thumbing in my ears rise.

I glare through the glass undoing my seatbelt as I try to reach over to his side ready to get out but he swings the door open swearing under his breath before shoving me back and sitting in the driver's side.

Luna of Moonlight ☾ (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now