Chapter 39: Glad Tidings

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Jannah's P.O.V

I sprawled myself across Dawud's study notes and groaned. He watched me from the kitchen, sautéing vegetables in a pan. "You're so dramatic." He teased.

I sat up, immediately. "This is my last exam before the summer break. I am paying for my education, you know. This is a big deal for me."

I could hear Dawud's beautiful laughter as it echoed off of the walls of our apartment. He stepped away from the stove and stood in the entrance to the kitchen, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He wore an apron and an amused smile. "Firstly, you're not paying for anything in regards to school apart from your lunch. Grants and scholarships have that covered thanks to your genius brain. Secondly, you have my notes and I've got a higher average than you. So, you're in good hands."

I gasped as he returned back to his cooking. "You're so cocky!" I laughed.

I studied some more before packing my books away. The wonderful scent of chicken danced around my nostrils. It was much more delightful than the scent of manure outside. I walked to the window, admiring the view. Dawud came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle. I felt his chin pressed against the crook of my neck. "We have a beautiful view." I told him.

"Mhm," he sighed, pulling me closer to him. "The sun, the cool air, the trees, the city's skyline and the most beautiful girl in the world, all in front of me." He whispered. I smiled, pulling away from him only to turn around and embrace him. He caressed the back of my head and I inhaled his sweet and musky scent. "Teriyaki Chicken." He whispered. I laughed at him. "For lunch, I mean."

"Let's eat, then."

We ate and then prayed. After Maghrib, he sat on his prayer mat in front of me and turned his head in my direction. He patted his side and I crawled up next to him. I watched as he reached for my hand and spread out my fingers. For each finger, he praised Allah three times, stopping once he reached thirty-three and starting over with a different supplication.

Subhan'Allah, Subhan'Allah, Subhan'Allah..

Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah, Alhamdullilah..

Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah..

I sat there in awe, studying him silently. Once he was finished, he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. My heart melted. "I want to be with you in Jannah and so I'll do anything to get us there." He said shyly. "Even if that means sharing good deeds," Dawud pointed at our hands.

I threw my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek more times than I could count. We fell to the floor, laughing. "I love you!" I exclaimed.

Dawud kissed me on the lips gently. "I love you as well." We sat like this, tangled up in each other for a few minutes.

"Akhlaaq likes Muna." Dawud whispered. I gasped.


"It's true. After we patched things up about our small fight, he told me about it. He said that at first, he thought she was a bit strange. Apparently, she'd stare at him and panic when he looked her way. But if she wasn't around him, he definitely noticed. And so he would make sure to be in her vicinity all the time. And in the moments where she was too busy to be staring at him, he'd watch her."

I laid there, frozen, with my mouth open in shock.

"He knows that she's your age and that she went to your high school. She's very shy and doesn't speak that much, right? I know you've told me that she's the quietest in your circle."

I was still frozen, scared that if I moved, it would stop Dawud from telling me more. Once Dawud stopped speaking I untangled myself from him and stood up. "OH, MY GOODNESS! ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I squealed, jumping up and down. Dawud watched me from the floor with an amused look on his face. "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! AKHLAAQ LIKES MUNA?" I pressed, clapping my hands with joy. "I have to call her. Can I call her? She needs to know!" I shouted.

Dawud tilted his head to the side in confusion but let me call her anyways. I rushed to our bedroom and grabbed my cell phone off of the bedside table.


"Hello?" I said breathlessly. I put Muna on speaker.

"Jannah? Is this you?" Muna answered.

"Yes! I have amazing news! Akhlaaq likes you!" I shouted.

It was silent. "I know." Muna said flatly.

"What? Since when?" I was genuinely confused.

"Since last week when he called my dad and told him himself."

"Huh?" I blurted stupidly.

"You would've known if you weren't so preoccupied with your own life. I was happy for you at first, fangirling every time I saw you and Dawud together. But I would have never guessed that you would forget all about your friends!" She said sharply. "You haven't spoken to me since the Monday after reading week and that was three weeks ago!" She hissed. I looked up at the doorway and found Dawud standing there with a glum look on his face.

My thoughts were jumbled up. "Muna... I—"

"You what? What's the excuse this time? Your henna business is dominating your schedule? Is your mom taking up all of your time? Or is it Dawud? Enough, Jannah. I don't want to hear it." She spat. "You're so selfish nowadays."

And with that, she hung up.

I stared at my cell phone in shock. Even when Dawud sat next to me with an arm around my shoulders, I was extremely still. "Am I selfish?" I asked him quietly.

Dawud chuckled. "Of course not. She's just angry. People say whatever they want to when they're angry."

I scoffed. "Not Muna. She's never spoken to me like this. Not in high school...not ever."

Dawud thought for some time. "You guys ar best friends. You'll get over it. Look at Akhlaaq and I! We made up in the span of a few days." He said with a smile. I kept my eyes lowered, feeling sick to my stomach. I hated conflict and I hated upsetting people. My husband snapped his fingers. "I know what will cheer you up! Ice cream!"

I left his side and crawled under the covers. "Not even ice cream can get me out of this mood. I'm going to sleep it off. Could you wake me up to pray Isha?"

Dawud nodded. "Sure thing, Habibti." He said quietly. I watched him walk out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Sleep washed over me immediately.


A/N: Salamu'alaykum guys & Ramadan Mubarak! I've been gone for a while, I know, but it hasn't been without reason! I'm graduating from high school this year and that means that exams are right around the corner.. a.k.a: study, study, study!! I've also been very ill and have missed school because of that.. cooped up in my bedroom :( Keep my in your duat because I really want to fast like the rest of you! Let's pray that I get better ♥ Salam

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