Chapter 2

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Detention and Questions

Max's Journal (NOT DIARY)

Date: September20th
Journal: 20

I never realized how much I hated school until now. At least I'll see Nina less,since i have detention. My mom was pretty mad but she didn't ground me because i have detention for 2 months. I guess I am lucky....-ish *sigh*. I spoke to soon, I just found out my science teacher watches the detention kids, so i know he is watching 24/7.

Allison face timing her BFF Mia

A: I cant believe that kid George-

M: Max

A: How do you know?

M: Same class, sits behind me and my best fiend

A: Oh yeaah

A: I actually thought he was cool turns out he is clumsy

M: So why did you say yes to date him

A: I don't know

Date: September 20th
Journal: 21 

I finally got home from detention and all I could think about is why me? Out of all people, why me? I don't know why I like her. She doesn't even know my name (Mia told me she got it wrong twice). I googled what it means when a girl doesn't know your name(which is a stupid thing to look up). It was all useless but then i saw something that could change my life forever.

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