Chapter 8

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Can We Do Work Now?

Journal: 31
Date: Tuesday, October 19th

So I scared Allison, got a 'D' on my math test, and my ex- best friend is tutoring me and trying NOT to like me, I had detention. Lastly it's Monday. So today was horrible.

I never told you guys but my eyes change color depending on my mood.
Red = sad
Dark blue = mad
Yellow = happy/excited
Green = scared/nervous
Light blue = likes/loves
Neutral color = fine/calm
If it's two feels/moods my eyes would be two colors one at the top and one at the bottom

Now how do I feel about Mia tutoring me? I'm nervous and happy at the same. The worst part is that Mia will know because she knows what colors means. I'm nervous because I don't want this to go wrong but happy because I get to talk to her. In like a conversation.

My House

When I got home the first thing I did was go to the fridge. I saw a note on the fridge:

I going to work extra shifts so I left dinner in the fridge and Nina is at a sleepover. Don't burn down the house - Love Mom

An hour later
Knock knock
I completely forgot about Mia. I quickly ran down stairs and open the door

"H-hey" she said looking at my chest turning red

"What are you staring at?"I looked down then quickly shut the door  because I forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt or pants because yes I walk around in my underwear when no one is home.

"Sorry" I said pulling my shirt over my head

"It's okay"

"Uh come in" I say extending my arms gesturing him to come in


"Can I sit?" She asked pointing to the dinning room table

"Yeah" it's so weird for her to knock on my door and ask to sit. It's like we just met.

"Let's do this problem" she said pointing to the book


I quickly sat down in the sit across from her. I looked at the book then the her. She was writing the problem.

"Haves the problem 10x-3(2x+1)>8x+1"



"It means what the world"


"It's easy you just- I zoned out again how in the world does she know how to do this mess it's so weird. When she finished I looked amazed.


"How?" I saying looking at her work

"It's easy like I keep saying"

"No it's easy for you, your like some kind of math wiz"

"I'm not-

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