Chapter 5

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That Heartthrob

Tuesday Morning

Date: Wednesday, May 5
Journal: 26

So you guys are probably wondering two things. One. Why do I do these journals? It's so my future self/family can read it. Plus I like to write, I might become a journalist or author. You're also probably wondering if I have any other friends. The answer is no but I believe everyone has to have at least one friend( eventually).

Okay now back to the most important thing right now. The stopwatch, I decided to name it "The Do Over Doohickey" I know its lame but I've been distracted by Allison and school and life in general (if that makes since).

TDOD (The Do Over Doohickey)is basically hidden to the world there is literally only one picture of it ( on "There Are Two Things Wrong with This Equation) and if you click the "view page" button on Google the screen goes black then and takes you to some weird website about some guy named "Jerry Time". I know the name sounds weird but that's what it says. I Googled the guy but I don't think he exists.


Mia walked up to Max and slams the locker shut.

"Hey! you could have cut my fingers off Mia!"

"Sooorry, I just wanted to talk"

"About what?"

"I've got a question"

"Since you have a question you tried to slam my fingers in my locker? Nice way to start a conversation" Max said sarcastically

"Stop whining you still have them"

"Just, what's the question?"

"Is there something wrong with you 'cause you seem off?"

"N-no I just have a lot on my mind"

"Is it when I picked up from off the ground and we -

"N-no I actually forgot all about that"



"K cool but if there is anything wrong you would tell me right?"

"Yeah definitely"

"I've got a question for you now"

"K shoot" Mia says leaning up against the lockers

"Why aren't you still...well was mad at me for messing up Allison's project?"

"First, it was both of yours, Second, I know you didn't mean to do it and feel bad."

"Why don't you think I did it on purpose?"

" 'cause I've known you for 95% of my life and you're not the type of person to do that"

"What kind of person do you think I am?"

"I think you're-

"That was close" Mia whispered


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