Chapter 6

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Meet B & D

"Demarcus and Brian Walker are now your new classmates and maybe friends" Mr. Williams says

Date: Monday, November 11th
Journal: 28

Today we got some new students in class I think their names are Demarcus and Brian. They seem cool. BTW I have been ignoring Mia or it might be vice versa either way we are not talking. I got admit I miss her sarcastic attitude.

I see Demarcus and Brian at lunch looking for somewhere to sit.

"Hey, sit over here"

They came over and sat down.

"So what are your names?"

"I'm Demarcus that's Brian" -pointing to Brian

"Cool I'm Maxwell but everyone calls me Max"

"So are you two close?"

"We are super close" Brian said

"Yeah his family adopted me" Demarcus said

"Where you guys from?"

"Michigan" They said in unison

"People usually call us B&D"

"Even though Marcus here is still lowkey mad that my name is first"

"Shut up"

"Can I call y'all DW and BW?"


"Call us whatever, I don't really care" Demarcus says

"You don't care about anything"

After school my mom couldn't pick me up so I had to ride with Mia and we haven't talked to each other in a week plus the car ride was silent. What I don't understand is why is she so mad? IDK But what Tyler said is true, Mia did leave me for some girl.


Date: Tuesday, November 12th
Journal: 29

When I got home and saw Mia the first thing I did was ask her.....

"How do you know Allison?"


"I said how do you know Allison?"

"Summer Camp"

"I know you're lying, what could be so bad?"

"There's nothing bad. We just met over summer camp and became good friends"

"Just GOOD friends?" Max said emphasizing good

"What are you talking about?"

"We were best friends-

"We still are"

"No we're not" My eyes are dark blue at the bottom and red at the top

"I thought we were best friends but getting beat up by Tyler made me realize-"

"You got beat up by Tyler?"

"That's not the topic right now"

"Yes, it is if someone is hurting you it's the topic"

"Okay just stop j-just shut up I'm trying to talk" now their just dark blue

"Tyler made me realize that once Allison came you were gone. You were always with her. The only time we talked was when I walked up to you or if Allison was no where to be found, which was very unlucky. You never voluntarily talked to me . Since I liked Allison I thought It would be an advantage, you know your best friend being friends with your crush but no you stole her then stopped talking to me. I had no one. My only friends right now are two kids I don't that well that are from Michigan. The worst part is Tyler always picked on me and even when your around you never did or said anything, you never did anything with me. Just because we grew up together does not mean you have to pretend to be my friend. So i'm done. 

I started to walk away but then Mia said....

"Why do you think your the victim?

"Maybe because I am"

"You don't know why I was always with Allison. Maybe because you never asked . I have a good reason for why I was always with her"


"She is dying Maxwell (Her eyes were filled with tears and mine were red).
I was trying to be there for her. But you're so selfish, think of others problems. I know you think you do but you really don't and all those times I seemed distracted or busy I was planning a way to tell you that I liked you but since you say I'm never around then I will never be around.

Mia then walked home and I just stood there.

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