Chapter 2

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Note to Reader: Wanted to get this up yesterday but family is over and I just couldn't- sorry! Anyway, I hope everyone's Thanksgiving goes well :). (If you celebrate it!)

One to the next chapter!



I stared at my closet.

Pants or skirt?

I didn't know what we'd be doing today.

Pants it was.

I pulled out a dark tweed pair that was short enough to wear with my fancy leopard print flats. If we'd be doing a lot of walking, I didn't want to start moving like an extra from the Thriller music video by the end of the day.

Couldn't go wrong with a white blouse.

And a short, fitted blazer that didn't exactly match my pants but went with everything.


I decided to go with my normal stud earrings and watch. Whenever I tried too hard it usually showed.

I'd cut my hair to my shoulders to make it easy on me. So I just blow dried it and that was good to go.

Some eyeliner and mascara, tinted lip balm and a little blush, and I looked much better than I usually did for work.

I'd made peace with my freckles a long time ago and given up trying to cover them with foundation.


I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded.

I'd already eaten after taking Skittles for his walk, but I'd grab coffee on the way to the Forward Inc. offices.

"Wish me luck Skittles."

I kissed his furry head and left my apartment, as ready as I would ever be.

Not wanting to risk being late, I'd left with plenty of time to spare so I could walk. I'd found that frequent walks helped me stretch the times between running in my furry skin.

Especially when I was already feeling stressed out like I was right now.

And I missed the weight of my backpack on my back. The nice satchel I was carrying instead just didn't have the same balance since it was slung over and resting on my hip.

But that was just general whining.

Which was why I generally tried not to inflict my inner monologue on the world.

I stopped at the front of the Forward Inc. high-rise and looked up.

The building was very distinctive, with a subtle golden glow about it and even though it was streamlined like the other buildings on either side, there was something about its shape that made you think of something more classical. It made it a little more welcoming.

Squaring my shoulders, I walked into the lobby.

It was just as modern and elegant inside, with that same touch of warmth that kept it from seeming cold and sterile like some modern architecture could. I craned my neck to follow the modified roman columns up to the ceiling. I didn't know something so obviously old world could be worked to fit in with the rest of the place so seamlessly. I took in the different stone and foliage they'd used as I went up to the front desk.

"May I help you?"

The woman behind the desk was one of those grandmotherly types that had always fascinated me in movies and children's books. Gently rounded with her gray hair in a soft bun and her eyes twinkling from behind a pair of wire-frame glasses connected to one of those cords that went around your neck to make sure you didn't lose them.

Billionaire's Mate (Billionaire Bad Boy Werewolf Novella)Where stories live. Discover now