Chapter 4

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Note to Reader: On time!!!  Lol.

If any of you are interested, I'm adapting one of my shorts into a Christmas short (M/F) and need people to review it on Amazon when it comes out (hopefully in just a few days!).  I'm thinking of putting it in Kindle Unlimited to see how it does, which means that would be the only place to buy it because of their exclusivity clause- not something I'm thrilled about, but I do like the idea of people being able to borrow it.  It's a give and take.  Sigh.

Anyway, if you're interested, just shoot me an email (dawnwilderbooks(at) with the subject REVIEWER and I'll add you to my list.  I'm planning to send it out by tomorrow or the next day at the latest because I want to publish it soon, so if you'd like a Christmas short in exchange for a review, let me know!  Also, I'll add you to my Reviewer List to send you future work as well :).

On to the next chapter!  Hope everyone is well!



Skittles was a little miffed at me when I got back to the apartment.

"Come on boy. Don't be a drama queen."

He turned his nose up at me.


Time to break out the big guns.

I opened the cupboard and took out a bag of his favorite treats.

His little ears perked up as I shook the bag.

"How about a treat?" I shook one out into my hand.

He looked over his shoulder at me from where he was lying on his doggy bed.

"Fine. But two is your limit." I shook out another one in my hand.

He pranced over to me and took each one daintily before gobbling them up like the little monster he was.


He barked and licked my hand, snuggling up to me.

If only all relationships were so easy.

I scooped him up and took him into the bedroom with me. All I wanted was to pull on my pjs and climb into bed.

The day had been full and I definitely felt like I had a better grasp on Curt Beckett than I had before. My view of him had definitely been colored by what he showed the media. Billionaire bad boy who liked to party and travel with his new flavor of the week.

I knew he had to be intelligent, but knowing it and experiencing it were two different animals. He hadn't ever given a real interview,so all I'd had to go on was what everyone else had to go on. The pictures of excess and the beautiful people.

But nobody caught the hard work that he put in, the razor sharp mind,the thoughtful person behind that handsome face.

I could feel that this article was going to be something special. It would humanize him in a way he might not be ready for.

Because in the short time I'd spent with him so far, he didn't strike me as someone who particularly wanted to be in the spotlight. It seemed more like a chore.

Of course, I was basing all of this on one day.

We'd see what the rest of the week brought.

What I needed to focus on was keeping my thoughts out of the gutter.

Just as pictures and snippets of video didn't do his mind any favors,neither did it capture the sheer charisma of his presence. He just had that something extra that had women turning their heads wherever he went.

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