6. Sorry

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"Rest for now, it should be heal in a week or so" The nurse says before exiting the room.

I lay back on the bed and observes my treated wound. I suddenly remember that moment when I fall, so many people was looking at me.....AISHH I HATE PARK JIMIN! I hate him so much!
Aigoo I even embarrass myself in front of BTS.....


I'm bored.

Instinctually, I took out my phone and surfs for any new Exo update.

Nope nothing much.


"EXO IS GOING TO HAVE A CONCERT SOON!" I am definitely going!

"What?! They're going to have a concert??"


Wait.... who was that.

"Minhyun??" My heart stops for a moment when I saw him by the door.
"What are you doing here?"

"Ah... Kyungmin from the team was injured so I borrowed the medical kit from the nurse" He said while placing the kit on the desk.

"Oh, but.. You like Exo??" I asked.

"Of course! They're awesome, especially Sehun and Luhan...but he left the group" Minhyun smiles and walk toward my bed. My heart beat so fast right now as if I was in a race.

Are you kidding me? He's nice, smart, handsome, athletic, and now he even likes the same group as me? How perfect can this guy be.

"What happen to you?" He asks while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I fell and landed on my wrist, but I'm okay now!" I smiles

"How clumsy" He chuckles. I'm not clumsy! Jimin fucking tripped me.

"Anyway we should go to the concert together!" He suggested. Is he..... asking me for a concert date? *~*

"YES!!" I realize that was a bit loud..... "I mean yes"


I hold on to the medicine that I just bought..... not sure if I should give it to her. I think she's really mad right now...... but I still have to give this...
*sigh* Why are you making me feel bad, Kim Minseo.

I carry on my way, still debating to myself if I should give it to her or not. There is a possibility she will throw this in my face if I give it to her. Even if I apologize, she might not forgive me anyway. Why am I even trying. Lost in my own thought, I didn't even notice I was already there at the office.

I'm just going to apologize and be done with it!
As I was about to open the door, I stopped half way when I heard laughing voices. One was Minseo, that's for sure. And the other one.....

I look through the glass window,..... it was the guy in the morning.

Seeing her genuinely laughing with a guy was just weird. It seems like she laugh with every other guy except me.
Umh... when will we ever going to be comfortable with each other like that.

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