Music of the Mind, Part 2

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She helped herself up, ignoring his outstretched hand. "Be careful, or this kitten may use her teeth and claws on the big, bad wolf," she said slowly, meeting his eyes.

Surprised, Moriarty tilted his head as he looked at Annabelle. Her steady, warning gaze didn't waver and he felt a growing admiration for her. The concert, he realized, had changed her. He wasn't sure how much, but the light in her eyes was different. He was sure of it.

He made a wave with his hand and smiled. "After you, darlin'."

Annabelle led the way, determined not to let him think that he could control her. As they descended the stairs from their box seats, the main foyer opened up to throngs of elaborately dressed socialites mingling together to the sounds of a string quartet playing in the corner. Annabelle thought the barrage of voices, interjected with bouts of laughter, was a horrible noise compared to the beauty of the music being played. Looking around, she saw smartly dressed wait staff carrying silver trays lined with thin glasses of wine. The crowds were quick to pluck full glasses from the trays and just as quickly, deposit the empty ones.

As she lingered on the last step of the staircase, Moriarty took her elbow and firmly guided her down the remaining step and into the fire. Annabelle felt her claustrophobia kicking in as they got further into the crowd. She turned to him, refusing to go another step. Surrounded by people, she grabbed his lapel so he would lean down to her. She put her mouth up to his ear so she was sure he heard her over the noise.

"Take me home," she said as loud as she could without screaming, "Now!"

Moriarty turned his head and his mouth was in line with hers as he looked at her lips. She had obviously found her fire and she was incredibly desirable at that moment. He couldn't resist. Gently, he touched her lips with his own. Annabelle pushed him away quickly, embarrassed that she hadn't seen his kiss coming and that it was in plain sight of everyone there.

"What are you doing?" Annabelle looked around to see various eyes upon them, now whispering behind their hands.

"Kissing you," Moriarty said as he looked into her eyes.

Annabelle glared at him. She angrily turned and started walking through the crowd to the giant brass exit doors. Moriarty was once again at her elbow, his step catching up to hers and easily blocking her path.

"Get out of my way!" she spat out, her eyes continuing to spit fireballs at him.

"Nicky's here." he said quickly, knowing this was the one tidbit that would keep her from storming off.

Annabelle was stunned by his omission. "You're lying."

Moriarty shook his head and smiled. This evening was turning out to be better than he had hoped. Now for the introductions.

"Come, my darlin'." He bent his arm and motioned with his head for her to accept his offer. With a resigned sigh, but still fuming, Annabelle slipped her hand through the crook of his arm. He placed his hand over hers to show her who was now in control.

Weaving through the crowds, he brought her right in front of two older, greyed-haired couples, chatting and laughing together as they drank their wine.

Moriarty cleared his throat to get their attention, as he confidently interjected. "Well, hello, Lord and Lady Byron. Fancy seeing you both here. I didn't know you were also lovers of the symphony."

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