Purging the Demons, Part 5

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Soo-Ling tossed the black bag into the back of the car and slid into the driver's seat. 

"All done," she chirped.

Annabelle looked at the bag. "I thought you said we're traveling light?"

"We are. Those are my guns."

"Your guns? That bag is full of guns?"

Soo-Ling laughed as she turned the car on, put it in drive and slammed her foot down on the gas pedal. Annabelle jolted backward, grabbing the side of the door. She frantically pulled her seatbelt down and just managed to click it into place before Soo-Ling swerved to miss a fallen log laying on the dirt road.

"Well, they were James's guns, but he'll hardly miss them, he has so many." Soo-Ling laughed again as she tossed her ponytail over her shoulder.

Annabelle stared at her. "Why do you need them? I thought you said if we left right away, no one would notice."

"I lied," she said as she licked her lips. "Obviously, you don't know James Moriarty. He's already sent a couple of transmissions to Sam's phone. He knows something's wrong and I'm sure he's already racing back."

Annabelle took a deep breath and shook her head. How did James already know? They had just left the house. "Did Sam find out we were leaving? Did he tell James?"

"No," Soo-Ling sighed, annoyed with all her questions. "Sam didn't pick up the transmission because I shot him. We have to answer the boss's messages unless we're dead. That's the rule," she said matter-of-factly.

Annabelle went pale. "You shot Sam?"

"Duh, of course. He's probably dead by now."

Annabelle looked at her in horror. Who was this woman? "How could you do that?"

Soo-Ling glanced side-ways at Annabelle and shrugged. "I'm an assassin. That's what I do. I kill people. I asked him if he wanted to come along, but he refused. What else was I supposed to do?"

Annabelle stared out the window, gripping her seat belt as Soo-Ling sped down the narrow dirt road. A sickening feeling raced over her. What about Jack, Meg, and William? Her stomach tightened as she clutched her handbag, feeling the outline of her gun.

"What did you do to the others?"

Soo-Ling's mouth turned up in disgust. "You know I hate that old woman. She was always watching me."

"What did you do to them?" Annabelle said through clenched teeth, tears stinging her eyes.

Soo-Ling laughed, remembering how Meg's head had slumped after she had pistol-whipped her. "That old woman has such a mouth on her. You'd think she'd understand what it meant to keep it shut." Soo-Ling suddenly giggled, her eyes glittering. "The boss is gonna be so pissed. Maybe he'll notice me now."

Annabelle hardly heard her words. She had killed Meg! She was going to be sick. Sweet Meg was nothing but kind to her– to everyone! She squeezed her eyes together as an ember began to ignite in her. 

Annabelle was shaking as she looked at Soo-Ling. "What did you do to William and Jack, you witch?" she seethed.

Soo-Ling raised her eyebrows as she glanced at Annabelle. "Well, well, well, it looks like the boss's little crumpet has a spark." A slow smile crept across her face, and she gleefully shook her head. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!"

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