Purging the Demons, Part 10

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The emotion radiating from Nicholas's eyes terrified her. Annabelle continued to back away from him, feeling like a deer who had just been told venison was on the menu. Keeping her eyes on Nicholas, she came right up against the wall. Desperately, she looked around the room to find a way to escape.

"Everything is secure, Annie. You can't leave." Nicholas patted his pant pocket. " I have the only key to every door and window. We're alone for once. Just you and me."

He slowly approached her, his eyes intense as his blood glistened on his lip.

Annabelle held her breath as she tried to think– think, dammit! Her head was still pounding, and she was starting to feel nauseous, but every fiber in her soul was screaming for her to fight. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall for support. Nicholas's hand came to her cheek, and she silently prayed. She couldn't stop the tears from streaming from the corners of her eyes as his hand stroked her skin. She started to shake.

"Why are you so scared of me, Annie?"

Her eyes flew open at his question, and she was shocked to see the regret on his face.

"Because you've changed. You were my only friend when I first came to London." She shook her head as the tears continued to fall. "This isn't the Nicky I thought I knew."

He dropped his hand and stared at her. "I love you. I've always loved you." He touched his lip and his mouth twisted in disgust. "But you kissed James Moriarty," he spat out.

Memories of that night in the library came racing back to her mind. "I know. I-I did it to save your life."

He shook his head. "Maybe initially, but your kiss didn't end at saving my life." His eyes flashed with anger as he looked into hers. "It went on much longer than necessary."

Annabelle swallowed as she realized how true his words were. Nicholas studied her face, his eyes darkening. "You've been with him for over a week!"

It was Annabelle's turn to glare at him. "Nothing happened!" she said vehemently. From the look on his face, she knew he was skeptical. She straightened against the wall as it occurred to her how she might escape him.

"Nicholas, I-I'm sorry."

He looked at her suspiciously.

She gave him a weak smile. "I think we need to start over if... if this relationship is going to work." She took a deep breath and extended her shaking hand to him. "Hello, I'm Annabelle Watson. I've just arrived here from Norwich."

Nicholas's eyebrows snapped together as he looked down at her hand. When his eyes came back up to hers, Annabelle saw he was interested. He took her hand firmly in his and shook it. 

"Hi, I'm Nicholas Byron."

Annabelle's smile turned to a frown as he slowly brought her hand up to his mouth and leisurely kissed the top. Letting his lips slide over her skin, his eyes never blinking as he watched her. She swallowed, wondering if her brief plan to make him trust her had already backfired. How could she escape him if he didn't let his guard down?

He looked at her over her hand as his lips continued to press against her skin. Slowly lifting his head, he didn't let go of her fingers.

"So, you want a courtship period, do you?"

Annabelle's frown deepened. "Yes," she whispered, wondering already if she was doing the right thing.

"I thought that's what we've been doing for the past year." Nicholas straightened, still holding her hand. "Very well. We'll play your game for three days. After that time," his eyes slid slowly down her body making her cringe, "I want you," his eyes came back up to hers as lust burned from within them, "fully."

Annabelle swallowed, knowing exactly what he meant. "Nicholas, I-I've never..." She couldn't speak the words. She flushed as she dropped her eyes to his shirt.

Smiling, he kissed her hand again. "I believe you. That's why I'm your knight, and you're my maiden, Annie. At the end of three days, we'll be married. I've already planned our honeymoon night."

Annabelle saw a strange light enter his eyes as she clutched the wall behind her for support. She only had three days to escape him.

"Alright." She raised her chin and managed to force a small smile while her mind screamed. She needed to convince him this was what she wanted too so he would let his guard down. But how could she do that when his touch made her sick?

As she watched Nicholas's face turn into a triumphant grin, she couldn't help remembering the difference between him and her former captor. James had never tried to force himself. Even in the study, he had warned her to go and leave him so he could cool off. 

How many times had James protected her?

Nicholas turned and walked into the kitchen as he called over his shoulder. "There's a washroom down the hall and a room bedside that you can have until our wedding night. I've left you some clothes and toiletries." 

Annabelle watched his back, his voice sounding almost jubilant to her ears. 

"Get yourself cleaned up and we'll have dinner in an hour." He smiled at her and started taking items out of the pantry. "I've got the perfect bottle of wine for our first date."

Annabelle hugged herself. What was happening? Who was this man, and how did she not sense his sick obsession before?

She looked around the room. "I had a handbag with me when I left with Soo-Ling. Is it here?"

Nicholas pulled out a cutting board and began slicing tomatoes. He lifted his head, glancing at her and motioning his head to the shelf. "Yes, it's just over there."

Annabelle went to the shelf and held her breath as she took the handbag. Her heart fell. It was considerably lighter than before. She unzipped it and saw only her wallet was inside, no phone, and of course, no gun.

Her anguished face glanced up at his. He was watching her. 

He smiled knowingly, "You won't be needing them, Annie. You're with me now."

Annabelle tried to keep her emotions in check as she slowly walked in the direction of the washroom. When she shut and locked the door, she crumbled to the floor and cried until she had nothing left to cry. She brought her knees up to her chest and squeezed them. For the first time, she felt the fingers of despair crushing her resolve to keep fighting. 

No one could find her now; not her Uncle, not Sherlock, and especially not James. It was hopeless.


Hey, thank you as always for reading! Please leave me a vote and comment. I love to hear what you think! Take care!

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