♪ Chapter 8 ♪

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A/N: Hey guys, I know not many of you are gonna read this anyway but I just wanna kow if you're enjoying this story so far? And also, enjoy reading this chapter. The next one might come a little later cause I reached a writer's block. But I'll try to get it done as quickly as possible. 😊



I was walking from the cafeteria to head to class. Lunch hadn't finished yet so there were a lot of wolves still at the cafeteria.

I could feel myself growing stronger, my wolf too. Ever since that day, I hadn' talked to Hunter and he hadn't bothered with me. I was too busy anyway. Homeowork was piling up and training with Henry was getting more intense. I was still weak, compared to others but I was better that I previously was.

I sighed and continued walking to my chemistry class. I actually liked this class because I could play with the chemicals, granted it had to be safe but it was fun seeing what many different solutions could create when mixed together.

My thoughts moved to the ranking system. The next was in a week, according to Rian. He had kept mw updated on news traveling around since no one talked to me. I was terrified. I was still very weak and I knew if I fought, I would lose very easily. I would be the last which meant bullying. I didn't know if that applied here or not but I don't want to test it out.

I kept my head down as I walked to class with my eyes trained on the ground in front of me. I closed my eyes and let out a small sigh when I suddenly bumped into someone. I tensed and my eyes immediately snapped open. Gasping at the huge male in front of me, I instinctively took a few steps back. The guy was angry. He was glaring and snarling at me that I though he was going to shift any minute. "I'm so sorry!" I squeaked.

That seemed to make it worse cause he snarled louder. I yelped. A few others came to stand behind him and around me caging me in. I was about to get it. By now, a crowd had already started to form around us. "You dare hit me?!" He growled.

I flinched, shaking my head to tell him no. I couldn't form words. That was how scared I was. He glowered at me. Mt heart squeezed and I gasped as big fat tears started to fall down my cheeks. My lips quivered and I started to tremble. My heart was pumping so fast I thought I would go into shock. My breathing was ragged and I kept sniffling. "Do you know who I am, rogue?!"

I shook my head in a hurry. He chuckled darkly, his friends doing the same. "I'm the beta. I'm ranked 5 in the academy." He hissed. I flinched. This was going to be bad. "Why are you, a stupid and disgusting rogue allowed to stay here? A place for the elites?!" He snarled. There were a few yesses for agreements and murmurs could be heard from the crowd.

I was already shaking in my place. "I- I don't know... As- ask Henry." I stammered out.

He let out a terrifying growl. "You dare talk to me?! You are nothing, you understand? Not even the piece of dust stuck on my shoe!" He shouted. I started to panic when he came closer to me. I couldn't go back any more as his other friends, the ones behind me could hold on to me. I was stuck. My wolf was pacing so hard, she was wearing out my mind. She wanted to fight but we both knew we weren't up for it yet. We were still weak.

Suddenly, the crowd started shouting "Fight!" Like a mantra. My heart was in over drive and I felt like dropping. I was shaking so bad now. The guy grinned evilly and started cracking his knuckles and neck. I stepped back out of fear. That momentary stupidness made his two goons victorious as they grabbed onto my hands and held me in place. I thrashed around, my legs trying to kick their shins or crotch but it didn't work.

"Stop moving or else!" One of them hissed. I didn't and thrashed harder. Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation on my cheek and my head was facing the right. He had punched me. That distraction had helped his leader to tackle me down easily.

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