Four: A Night To Remember...Or Not

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After following Alex, he led me into a large bedroom, which wasn't decorated with any personal decorations, so I assumed it was one of his many spare bedrooms that I saw on my way to this one.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." Alex said before rushing out of the room. He came back around thirty seconds later with a glass of water.

"Drink this." Alex ordered, handing me the glass of water. I just about necked the water, desperate for some sort of hydration, before setting it down on a desk in the corner of the room, stumbling all over as I did so.

I began to walk over to the bed in the middle of the room, but tripped over my own drunken feet. However, the beautiful specimen in front of me caught me and held me in place, his hands gripping my shoulders.

I grinned widely, wanting to laugh, before I stumbled further into his grip. Before I knew it, my hands were placed on his face as my dizzy eyes stared into his, and I felt myself moving my lips towards his, but he placed a hand in between our faces.

"Lukas, you're drunk. You don't want it to happen like this." Alex whispered, then he slowly guided me over to the bed.

"I don't want what to happen like this?" I asked, slurring my words.

"You don't want to kiss me drunk, you'll regret it." Alex told me, and boy was he right.

He helped me into bed, ensuring I didn't fall over yet again. "You sure you don't want to get in with me?" I joked, except it wasn't a joke.

Alex chuckled and shook his head, "go to sleep." He ordered before leaving the room, switching the light off as he left.

The next morning, I woke up in an unknown bed in a giant bedroom. My mouth tasted like ass, so I was praying I didn't do anything nasty with another dude last night.

I had no clue where I was. I could see my phone on the bedside table, so I picked it up and unlocked it. The first place I looked was my recent contacts to see if it could help me figure out where I was. The last person I called was Alex, but I wasn't sure why. Nevertheless, I called him to see if he could help me, or if he knew where I was. Just anything.

"Alex, I need your help." I whispered.

"What did you do?" He sighed through the phone.

"I don't know where I am." I whispered a little louder this time. I heard a laugh through the phone, then a few seconds later I heard footsteps coming closer to the bedroom.

"Alex, someone's coming I need to go." My voice shook as I pulled the phone away from my ear and the door opened. I frowned in utter confusion as Alex stood at the door.

"You're in my house, calm down." Alex told me, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. I sighed in relief, leaning against the head of the bed.

"What happened last night?" I asked him, rubbing my dry eyes.

"You wanna know in detail?" Alex asked, his grin softening.

"Uh, not really, but I probably should know." I breathed an awkward laugh.

"You went to a party, obviously, got drunk, ended up at some random house, called me and asked me to pick you up, then I drove you back to my house, but on the way here you told me you thought you had sex with someone at the party, then told me you were gay." Alex stopped and took a breath while he watched my wide eyes stare at him.

"Then we got here, I brought you up here and then you tried to kiss me."

I face palmed so hard I almost knocked myself out, and let myself fall onto the pillow beside me as I groaned.

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