Five: Let's Hang Out

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A week passed by, a week that I didn't see Alex at any point. He had been on a business trip and was coming back today. I found out from my dad that Alex was on a trip, as my dad was stressing about work because some of the departments were struggling without Alex due to it being a busy week. It meant almost nothing to me, but I attempted to listen anyway just to hear about Alex.

I'd told Amy about the party, Alex picking me up and me almost kissing him. I also told her I'd come out to him and that he'd cheated on his ex with a man, to which she freaked out, but I swore her to secrecy. She seemed so happy about it all. It was dumb, though, he would never be interested in me. He was a rich man, older than me, and I was just some random eighteen year old kid.

Sitting in a McDonald's with my friends, I listened while they talked amongst themselves, until my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was probably my dad asking me about my interview tomorrow.

I'd applied for a job as a waiter in an expensive restaurant in the city. My interview was tomorrow and honestly, I felt like I was going to screw up. If I do, I'll just become a male stripper in a gay bar or something. I'm old enough now.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it, then clicked on my messages. A wide smile appeared on my face as I read Alex's name.

Alex: Hey wanna hang? I just think you're really relaxing to hang around with and I need a break from work and stuff. Let me know if you can.

I smiled so wide that my friends began frowning at me.

"You alright Lukas?" One of my friends asked. I nodded, the smile still on my face.

I sent a message back to Alex.

Me: Sure. Although if you're wanting a slumber party again, I can't. I have a job interview tomorrow and if I miss it and fuck up, my dad will kill me.

I waited for a reply as I stared down at my phone. Then the message appeared.

Alex: Oh cool, what job? Also I'll send a car to come and pick you up, where are you?

Me: Just a job as a waiter. Judge me if you like, rich boy, but it's easy and helps start my life off. Also I'm at the closest McDonalds to you :).

Alex: I'm not judging, you could be a male stripper in a bar and I wouldn't judge. Car's coming by the way.

Me: Funny, that's my backup plan if I fuck up this interview. See you soon.

Alex: Gonna have the driver stop for Chinese food if you don't mind.

Is this guy planning a date or some shit?

I replied back a simple okay and locked my phone.

"Guys, I've got to go, I'll see you later." I told them, standing up from my seat. I began walking to the door, when Amy stopped me and dragged me to the side so that my friends couldn't hear us.

"Where are you going?" Amy asked desperately.

I smirked, "Alex invited me to his house and we're getting Chinese, a car is picking me up in a minute."

Amy's eyes widened and she grinned widely, "I reckon he fancies you."

I giggled, "yeah, whatever."

"No seriously, why would he invite you to eat Chinese in his house if he didn't?"

I frowned, "uh, maybe he just wants a friend? Being rich can make you lose friends, maybe he's lonely."

Amy nodded, "that's a fair point. I still think he fancies you."

I disagreed with Amy, before giving her a cuddle and we said our goodbyes. I left McDonald's and looked out for an expensive car. The only expensive one I could see had a man in a suit sat waiting, his arm rested on the open window. He made eye contact with me, making my heart jitter nervously.

"You Lukas?" The driver asked, his head popping out of the car window. I nodded and he gestured for me to get in the car. We stopped for a Chinese like Alex said and continued driving afterwards. While scrolling through my phone, I sang quietly to the music on the radio, when I got a text message.

Alex: so where are we gonna do it? ;)

My heart dropped into my ass. What the hell?

Alex: fuck wrong person haha

I literally think my heart just shattered.

Me: lol I gathered. Get in there Alex

Soon enough I was outside Alex's house and knocking on the front door.


Very short chapter lmao

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