Chapter 17: Irene Rose

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Buzzing noises filled my ears as I strained them to hear some sort of reality in this dark abyss. My body felt numb and weightless, however, I felt like I was too heavy and was sinking towards the ocean floor. It was my second time fainting and I knew it was the work of the mark that was etched onto my shoulder as it always has been. I could not hear any words, just the buzzing of nothingness. 

I wanted to wake up desperately, my fingers were just itching to move, however, I could not control my own body as if I had lost all control too long ago. My legs, just like the rest of my body did not want to move, no matter how much I screamed inside my brain it would not make a small action. My wolf was nowhere to be seen, I was trapped in my mind yet no traces of Crescent lurked in the shadows. I knew she was hiding, or she had left and I was just like a human, vulnerable to everything. 

With my wolf gone, the probability of waking up from this abyss would be unknown and my healing capabilities were much like a human and it obviously scared me so much to be like the people who feared us. The only thing that has remained within me is my sense of smell and hearing, which confused me a little bit, however, I was happy that I remained with partially two enhanced senses. 

Without any control of my body, I felt like I was completely useless and I blamed it all on Alpha Archer, otherwise known as 'Douchebag' who I have hated ever since day one of meeting him and now I'm always fainting because of his stupid and aggressive behaviour. He's treated me more like an omega than his mate, sadly would be much happier and content if he treated me more nicely than he did now. I had bet that at this current moment he was happy that I was unconscious rather than bickering with him.

As my wolf was gone, I could no longer feel the rush of the mate bond that lived underneath my skin. Every time he touched me, there was no sparks but rather the hatred that was within me, however, I felt betrayed when he touched me sexually and my body reacted to it. At least he's not here right?


Out of all the things I could feel, someone touching my hand was the ONLY thing I could feel and I knew it was him from the angry bubbles that sprouted within me. Even when I'm numb I could feel his touch and that disgusted me that he was in the same room as me, touching my hand when he was the cause of everything. They say being with your mate allows them to heal quicker, but the longer he holds my hand makes it slower.

As his fingers held mine the more I felt that I was sinning to myself, the more his finger caressed my own the more I felt dirtier and betrayed. Having his hand envelope mine was a traumatic experience and I was screaming for my body to get up, however, my body was not responding to my voice, but rather his touch. I couldn't  hear him well with the buzzing noise, however, I could hear a few words such as 'up' and 'fuck', it was obviously him just telling me to 'wake the fuck up'. It was challenging not to swear in my state. 

I woke up.

My body still felt numb and the touch of a hand was far gone.

I couldn't feel much, however, I knew that I could move my fingers without feeling them. I woke up in a white area with the smell of wipe and baby powder, rows and rows of beds surrounded me and a few had some curtains that shielded my view away from other patients. It was dark out and there were no doctors in sight, and I thanked the Moon Goddess for this as I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

There were IV drops and needles stuck to my body and I yanked them up with great pain as my body reacted to the needle being out of my body. With a few drops of blood sprouting from the area, I tried to move my legs off the bed and onto the floor. When I felt the coolness of the tiles, I made sure to block Alpha Archer out of my mind and slowly got up from my position until I was standing straight, almost falling down in the process. 

I felt immense pain from my head and lower backside as I took small steps away from the hospital bed. My breaths were in pants as I searched for an exit out of here. Two white doors were at the end of the hallway, a good twenty metres away as I was backed up onto the farthest wall away from the door. 

Muttering inaudible words I made my way towards the door, making sure not to wince and groan with every step. A few wolves were scattered in beds, sleeping soundly as they purred and moaned, many with bruises and gashes across their arms and legs and some with casts wrapped around body parts. I tried not to wince at the sight of their mangled bodies as I forwarded to the door. 

Touching the metal handle I breathed a sigh of relief as I scanned the next room through the small window. Surprisingly, no one was there and I gave a triumphant smirk and twisted the door handle, which thanks the moon was unlocked.

The door creaked and I braced myself for anyone to investigate and see me, however, no one came and I yelled in my mind at this amazing situation. With my body aching, I opened the door and slipped out of the room and into the empty hallway. Faintly, I could smell wolves' scents and I followed no one in particular as I trekked the area, turning different directions as some doors became familiar to me.

I had found my room and I opened the door to reveal the room exactly the way it was when I left it. Smiling to myself, I quickened my pace and entered the wardrobe to collect my bags and belongings. 

It was time to leave.

I knew leaving was a risk of war, however, I would leave before they recognised and hopefully not create a war between both this pack and my pack. I collected my belongings and any necessities that I needed, spare clothes, money and some food packets that I had left lying around when the maids came to drop off some food. Pushing them all into one bag, I changed out of my grimy old hospital clothes and into some jeans and an old white shirt along with a pair of joggers.

With everything set, I trudged my way into the bathroom and collected some things that I saw, which was a masking spray with a few drops left. Smiling at this convenience, I sprayed it on quickly and left no drop. I brought some perfume with me in hopes of masking my scent once this spray was gone.

Once everything was prepared I fled the room, shutting the door behind me I ran in the direction I came through on my first day, and somehow made my way into the omegas kitchen which luckily had a back door, because going through the front door would mean getting caught. Praying it wasn't locked I twisted the handle and it opened. I breathed a sigh of relief and headed out into the fresh air. I missed this smell and I scoured the area before rushing towards the tree line. It was a miracle that no guards were in sight and I wondered where everyone had gone, I checked the sky and the sun were almost about to rise, meaning people would start coming to train or be busy. 

As I saw the tree line, I pushed my body to go faster, even with my injuries and my burning neck I found myself running at an alarming rate. As I pasted the tree line, I ran for it. Weaving around trees and rocks, I kept pushing myself further, making sure to change directions once I had felt I was going quite far. I could no longer smell any wolves nor territorial areas and I was in rogue or the free lands.

It was a dangerous place, but hopefully, I could make it to my pack before sundown.

I was finally free.

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