Chapter 38: Irene Rose

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  The days had passed on until the unlucky day where I would face the person who left me. It was the Sunday where I had to see Archer and to be honest, I wasn't ready to face him. No amount of pacing around my room and chanting to myself to be strong never prepared me for seeing him. Last time was a bliss, but now the nerves had set in and there was still a hint of anger in the pit of my stomach.  I didn't want to talk to him, nor did I want to confront him or spend the night in a pack where he was. 

  I was still bitter about the whole ordeal that I had locked myself up until someone had to come up and get me. Call me childish, but I really had not the intention of seeing him. To think I actually thought we could make it, but instead, he took two steps back and we're in the same place we had always been, mere acquaintances. I wished that he was doing just as bad as I did. Luna Lily had told me to stay strong and that he misses me, but I had ignored all her protests about Archer and decided to ignore the majority of the household.

  It was as if a bitter seed was planted somewhere in my body and I refused to open up to anyone, I could've had a pup and I would've cared for it even if Archer was being an annoying bitch. The thought of losing something else had pained me to the point where I hated the world, I hated the Moon Goddess for putting me in a position and I hated how Archer reacted to a she-wolf in heat. I regretted every moment I spent with him and my stupid body for reacting the way it did. 

  By the time we reached the pack borders, my stomach had tied itself into knots, twisting in such an evil way that my hormones were flying everywhere and the driver sensed by the uneasiness that he opened the bloody window. I breathed in and out once we stopped in front of the familiar building. I opened the car door and got out, smelling the freshness in the air as I trudged my way to Luna Lily who was talking to one of the staff of the pack. When her eyes rested on me she gave a sympathetic smile and in return, I tried to smile but failed miserably once my lips curved up slightly. 

     "Cheer up my child, I'm sure he will explain everything," she reasoned with me as she lightly touched my shoulder in comfort, I inwardly scoffed and shook my head.

  "Sure, sure," I chortled out and followed her as the staff showed us to our rooms. It was the same room I had stayed in, but much colder as the walls seem to close in on each other. It felt as if someone once stayed here after me, the bed sheets were ruffled up and the room had smelt more like books than I had last smelt it. The smell had reminded me too much of Archer that I had to open one of the windows to get rid of the smell. 

  Once I had rid of the smell, I sat on the bed and sighed deeply. My mind racing on the events that occurred last time I was here and I prayed to the Moon Goddess to allow me to avoid him for the rest of the day. I didn't want to be here at all, but unfortunately, I couldn't do that. Damn Werewolf Council and their stupid rules. I muttered incoherent words as I played with the hem of my shirt. I wasn't sure when I would meet Archer, but I hoped it wasn't anywhere near this time of day. However, the Moon Goddess wasn't being kind to me and made the time to meet him ever so closer once my door opened and revealed the devil himself.

   "Didn't you mother ever taught you how to knock?" was the first thing that flew out of my mouth once I saw him as I felt the anger rise out of me. He looked almost embarrassed by my words and stood in front of the doorway once the tension increased.

   "Erm, yes?" it came out more like a question, but the look on his face told me the truth. I had rolled my eyes at his response.

   "You're terribly early, what brings you here?" I said in a bitter tone, hoping to evoke him. He looked taken aback by my tone and I watched his face visibly harden, his eyes turning a shade darker as his wolf came to watch the whole conversation.

  "Instructors let me off early, I came here to clear some things," he rasped out and took two steps closer. I stiffened when I saw how close he was, it was a mere three metres or so as he took the longest of steps to come close to me.

  "Stay where you are and don't come any closer," I warned him and I saw the hurt flash in his eyes and disappear as he looked away from me.

  "Listen, Irene, I-" he started, but I cut him off, I wanted to talk first- no, needed to talk first.

  "Don't you start with me, I had to go through hell because of you and once you finally come, you leave me! You leave me in my most vulnerable state, you knew how I felt. I felt the worst pain imaginable and I really thought you'd help me. I was delusional enough to call out your name for help once you left me. Did you know how many hours it took for my heat to end? No. You weren't there. You didn't seem to care that your own mate was in pain because of you. You didn't seem to care that you could've had a pup, an heir to the Alpha name and you threw it all away, for what? Pride? Is that it? Or was it because I wasn't good enough to have your pup? Or was it because the first thing you needed to learn was restraint? Because you thought that in order to learn it, you put your mate's life in danger or pain and didn't once think about how I felt?  No, you didn't and that's the thing. You don't think about how your mates doing, you don't care and you never did." I ranted, growling at the end once I was finished.

  The pain I saw in his eyes was so evident that the blue hues had slightly returned. His eyes were dark and as I stood in front of him with my finger hitting his chest I could sense the hurt, the anger and the sadness that he was feeling. I didn't like it, I didn't want to feel sorry for him. I couldn't. He deserved all this pain.

  I took a step back to breathe, his closeness had affected me too much and I couldn't let myself feel anything but anger because that was what I was feeling and I wanted to show him how hurt and angry I was. His eyes had flickered to mine and lingered there and a staring competition had begun.

  He could feel my pain, he could feel it all. I let the connection consume him as it did to me on the night. My eyes squinted in anger as he took a bold step next to me and before I knew it, he was on his knees sobbing. Deja vu had hit me like a truck as I remembered the time when we were at the other pack and he confessed his whole past to me and in a way, in this moment he did.

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