Chapter 5 - I Missed You

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Chapter 5 

“ Anna… “ He held both my hands in his. “ I’m sorry I didn’t write back. I just… Things happened so quickly I couldn’t even grab all my precious things. “ He sighed.

“ What are you talking about? “ I cocked my head to the side and looked at him with curiosity.

“ I found my maternal grandparents when we moved to Russia. It was out of the blue. No one knew it was coming. My mum used to tell me that my grandparents passed away because of sickness. But it was never the truth. “ He stopped and looked at me for a moment.

“ Go on, Colton. “ I said desperately.

“ The truth is my mum left my grandparents because of my dad. My mum comes from a wealthy family whereas my dad is just an average man, working for this company owned by my grandparents. That was where my parents met each other and fell in love after that. They wanted to get married but my grandparents strongly went against their marriage. They think my dad would never have the ability to give my mum happiness. My mum was angry; and young; and bold. So they ran away from home and came here. And I was born a few years later when they realized they were financially stable enough to raise a child. “

“ Colton… I never knew… “ I sobbed. I can never imagine how they went through all of it. Having to leave their family behind because no one supported them.

“ And my grandparents found my dad in Russia and realized they had me. They were really happy, but angry at the same time that my mum passed away. They blamed my dad for her death. My grandparents wanted me, because I was the only heir now. But my dad didn’t want to give me up. So they were furious and later on, a few men came to my house and made a huge fuss. We had to leave again, leaving everything behind. I only managed to grab my mum’s photo. But then… “ He stuttered this time. Something bad happened.

“ What happened after that, Colton? “ I stopped sobbing and asked.

“ My dad was diagnosed with third stage of liver cancer. He passed away 6 months after we moved and so my grandparents took me in. “ There was so much sadness in his eyes. I quickly leaned forward and embraced him.

“ Stop. Don’t say anymore. Don’t. I understand now. “ I patted his head and I could feel my shoulder getting wet. He’s crying. My Colton is crying.

“ I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, Colton. I’m here now. “ I hugged him even tighter.

“ I came back after graduating and I’ve finally found you. “ He seized my shoulders tightly and then went to wrap his arms around my waist. “ You have no idea how happy I was when I first saw you in the class. “ He pulled away and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

“ I… “ I stuttered.

“ I hope I’m not late, Anna. “ Colton then grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine. Everyone just need to stop kissing me! I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away slightly. Colton seemed to understand it and slowly, pulled away.

“ What’s wrong, Anna? “ He said, with a hint of anxiousness in his tone.

“ I can’t. We can’t, Colton. “ I blurted out. “ You’re my teacher. We can’t do this. “ I quickly got up and walked towards the door, wanting to leave this place immediately. I can’t do this. I really can’t.

“ Wha.. Wait, Anna! “ Colton seized my wrist and turn me around to face him. I could, again, see sadness and hurt in his eyes. I shoved his hand away from mine and turned back, running towards the door. This time, he didn’t bother to grab my hands anymore. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist and he held me from the back. He’s so close that I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck.

“ Don’t go. “ He said and my eyes widened in shock. “ Please. “ He begged desperately.

“ Let me go, Colton. “ I tried to remove his arms around my waist but he didn’t even budge a little bit.

“ I won’t. I can’t, Anna. “ He held me even tighter this time.

“ Don’t you get it! We can never be together because you’re my teacher! “ I yelled loudly.

“ Look at me, Anna. “ He requested calmly. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to look at him. Because I know if I do, I’ll lose myself. “ God dammit! Anna, I said look at me! “ He grabbed me and turned me around to face him.

“ Please don’t make it hard for both of us, Colton. I loved you but that all went down the day you decided to be my teacher. I can’t love you any longer. “

“ No, you can. Look at me. Do I look like a teacher to you? I’m just a temporary teacher until they find someone else. I won’t be a teacher for long. “ He explained.

“ But you still are. “ I retorted and turned to walk away.

“ I became one because of you! “ Colton raised his voice and dropped to the floor with a loud thud. “ I became one because of you. “ He repeated with a softer tone.

“ What? “ I slowly turned around and looked down where he was sitting. He covered his face with his hands and leaned his elbows on his knees.

“ The only reason why I could live till today, why I could come back from Russia was because of you. You’re the only reason why I’m still holding onto life. My mum is gone. My dad too. You’re the only one I have now. “ His voice became so soft that I could barely hear him. “ Anna, please don’t leave me alone anymore. “

That was the moment when I realized I need him. I need him in my life. So badly. I don’t care what he is. A teacher or a beggar or anything! I don’t care anymore. All I care is he’s finally here, with me now. And he needs me in his life too. We love each other. I can’t leave him alone. I can’t abandon him because I love him. I quickly ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

“ I’m sorry. I promised! I will never ever leave your side anymore. Never! “ I said. He wrapped his arms around my waist. 

“ I missed you. I really do. “ He mumbled. I giggled with tears in my eyes.

“ Me too, Colton. “

A/N : I hope you like it! :) Sorry I took so long to update this chapter. I was busy settling my uni applications and getting my results back and other stuff too. SORRY! :/ I'll update the next chapter as soon as possible! :D The next chapter will show all the readers the development of their relationship! :D Be sure to read em! Love you guys!


Much love always,


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