Chapter Four

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Sorry for the late update but I have been sick and my laptop isn't working :( This isn't much of a long chapter either since it's a chapter supposed to make the next few chapters understandable. 


"Only those who care about you can hear when you are quiet." 




I am still in the dark cold room with my arms and legs tied together on the wooden chair. Hunger and thirst is unbearable and I feel like my insides are eating itself for a source of food. A squeak echoes across the room and I straighten my body more.

I don't need to show them how weak I am.

The footsteps grew louder and louder making me squirm with anxiety.

"You look like you're in a tied up situation Shorty."

I let out a deep breath as familiar silver eyes and blonde hair comes across my vision.

"What do you want Zeke," I grumble.

"Now is that how you treat your mate who risked everything to come here?"

"We are not mates and I never I asked you to come here."

He just shrugs. "Then I guess I will just eat this all by myself," he says holding up a plate full of food.

The disgusting prison food suddenly looks mouthwatering in Zeke's hands. I could feel my stomach begging me to just grab the food and eat it.

"I am not hungry," I lie.

"Suit yourself."

He sits down in front of me and takes a bite from the sandwich in his hands that probably taste like rubber. I glare at him but I don't give in. I was doing a good job until my stomach betrayed me and made a loud noise. Zeke starts to laugh but I just glare at him seeing as this situation is not even the slightest bit funny. He walks behind me still smiling and unties my bind on my hands, then he shoves the plate into my hands.

"Sometimes Shorty you just have to accept other people's help."

"When did you become a philosopher," I grumble.

"Living a tough life makes you see things normal people couldn't."

I look at him in a confused expression.

"Look I know I can be an eye catcher but this face will get deformed if I don't get out of here ASAP so hurry up and eat."

Just to annoy him I purposely eat slow.

"Hurry up Shorty," he says starting to get annoyed.

"Sorry if I want to savor this delicious food."

"So your saying shit tastes good."

"I don't know you tell me it comes out of your mouth everytime you open it."

He gives me an amused look. "You're a weird chick."

"I am no chicken plus I hear that weird is the new style."

"How do you know you been in here for how long exactly?"

"About a year. You?"

"Two years, three months, and seventeen days."

"I see you have been keeping track."

"You have to do something to make sure you keep yourself sane."

I scoff. "I see that it hasn't worked."

He gives me an amused look. "You have a comment to everything I see."

"Yup. Gotta keep life interesting."

"How's that working out for ya."

"Pretty well until you showed up."

"May I just say that you were the one who fell into my cell while trying escape."

"And I deeply regret that every second of my life."

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He asks sarcastically.

"Nope but it stung like bitch when I crawled out from hell."

He chuckles to himself and we slowly fall into silence after a few more insults thrown at each other. Once I done stuffing my face with food and drinking about two bottles of water Zeke ties me back up. Without even a word he leaves me alone in the dark.


Now yet again I am alone in a dark room tired to a damn chair. 


How do you guys like the book so far? What do you think about Thea? Zeke? 

Any advice or suggestions are welcome. Please don't forget to vote :)

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