Chapter Nine

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"Love me or hate me, both are in my favor... If you love me, I'll always be in your heart... If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind."

- William Shakespeare 



I look at the officer with a glare that made him squirm in his seat. He is lying and I knew very well that he is but why would he lie. There is no reason to, unless something happened that the government didn't want anyone to know.

"Mr. Martinez we already answered your question. You can't see her and that is final, now would you please leave."

"What do you mean I can't see her? You said we can see her once a year."

"She is a very dangerous criminal sir we don't want you to get hurt."

I scoff. That is just bullshit.

"Ash let's just go." Raph said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I grumble in frustration. "This isn't over."

Raph lead me out of the building and to our car. I pull open the car door and slam it shut.

"Didn't go so well?" Leo asks.


"Their saying that she's too dangerous."

"Dangerous my ass," I grumble.

"I don't understand why Thea is the only one who is charged with stealing the painting," Leo says.

"They know no one can touch us. Thea is different she has no one to stand up for her," Raph explains.

"She has us," Leo whispers.

I looked at Raph. Cahill did have someone not only just one person but two. Raph finally meets my eyes and he shook his head.

"Raph I thin-"

"We should get going," Raph says cutting me off. He left the conversation for no argument as he starts the car.

Leo looks at us confused but didn't ask any question which both of us are thankful for. I close my eyes and lean my head on the head rest of the car. Automatically Cahill's face appears in my vision as always. She is smiling at me and her gorgeous green eyes shine in the blazing sun. Her light brown hair bounce around as she runs towards me. I have been thinking about her since the day she got arrested, the longing to see her only grew as each day passed and it scared me. I never let anyone it because I knew they would leave me in utter pieces but Cahill... Thea... is breaking down those walls brick by brick.

"Why don't we just sail over to the prison and break her out?" Leo asks.

"It's international waters idiot. We will be sitting ducks and they will find out in just a few seconds," I reply with my eyes still closed.

"I hate France," Leo mumbles.

"Doesn't matter if we hate it or love it. Rules are rules we need to find a way to get Thea out legally." Raph says.

"There is no way. Black probably has someone in the inside to make sure she doesn't get out," I says.

"He has the Tech why does he want Thea away then?" Leo asks.

"I don't know but something is wrong. It's been almost a year and he still hasn't made a move," Raph says.

It is strange.

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