three: j for just desserts.

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"Your brother was a good substitute for you

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"Your brother was a good substitute for you."

She was sprawled across her white duvet, letting the necklace dangle from her fingertips. Sunlight peeked through the blinds, twinkling across the gold and making it glitter from the reflection.

It was a gift from Jason; the only gift he ever gave that wasn't drenched some sort of cheeky comment. He'd told her some girl at a party was wearing it and when she passed out, he'd taken it off her because it would've looked better on his best girl. Jo was so enthralled by it she hadn't even noticed how sleazy of a move it was. And when she lost it she was devastated.

She spent hours looking for it that night. Alison had never been so angry at her for leaving behind such careless evidence. It was so painfully obvious they were the culprits behind the fire and the necklace was the missing key to lock them up with.


"Ali," She panicked on her hands and knees as she searched the ground. "We have to find it! We can't leave it behind. Where is it? Where's it at?"

Alison stood above her with a murderous look. "I can't believe you lost that thing. You better find it or-"

"Or what, Alison?" Jo screamed. "If I don't find this necklace, we are all going down. Not a single one of us is going to end up on top. And if you think you can stand there and blame me entirely, then you might as well get used to wearing orange."

Alison clenched her jaw as she squinted at Jo. It was almost comical how much alike they were. Two beautiful deceptions, covered in misery and secrets. Alison had created Jo into the person she had become and now it had come back to haunt her as she knew Jo would make sure Alison rotted in county jail if she left them to fend off the police themselves. "I'll take care of it."

"You better." She threatened Alison.

"Just keep looking."


Jo threw the necklace to the ground as she connected the dots to how the necklace was back in her possession. There was only one person that wanted to expose her, and it made perfect sense that this would be the way. If there was ever any incriminating evidence, it would be the necklace.

On her dresser, her phone buzzed. Jo flipped it open to a new message from the culprit.

Now is a golden opportunity to come clean, don't you think? Hope you love the necklace. It was always my favorite on you. -A

She didn't stop to be scared over the text, instead began collecting her things for school and storming from the house in time for the first period.

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