twelve: muy caliente baristas

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"I'm the king of everything and, oh, my tongue is a weapon

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"I'm the king of everything and, oh, my tongue is a weapon."

"So, he kissed you?" Jo took a sip of her steaming coffee as she got out of Spencer's silver car.

Spencer locked the vehicle behind them, glancing back with a weary expression.

"Are you disappointed?" She asked, walking through the kitchen door. "I know after everything that happened with homecoming, you've steered clear of him."

"It's not Toby, it's me." Jo sighed, following her lead. She walked into the pristine Hastings' home and leaned against the marble island. "I sent a statewide manhunt after the kid. I feel a little guilty seeing him, knowing he was innocent the whole time."

Despite the blooming romance he had with Spencer and the friendship he had with Emily, Jo hadn't made any effort to reach out. He'd gone through hell as a suspect, but Jo didn't have time to stop and feel bad all the time; if she did that, she'd not be able to get out of bed. She learned long ago to let the bad things roll off like water. If it was possible.

Spencer walked to the refrigerator and opened it, pulling out a container of Greek yogurt. "Is that a blessing?"

"The best you're going to get." Jo grimaced as she watched Spencer dig her spoon in and take a bite. Out of all the smells in the world, greek yogurt had to be the one she hated the most. Without fail, it always made her gag. "I still think Wren was the hottest candidate."

"Where have you been?" Veronica Hastings asked as she came around the corner, entering the kitchen in a business outfit that screamed I smiled once and hated it to Jo.

"We stopped for lattes," Jo lifted hers in the air, shaking it for Veronica to see. "And muy caliente baristas."

Spencer chuckled at her friend as Veronica didn't find her to be quite as funny.

"Don't freak out," She said, placing a piece of paper on the counter for the girls to see. "But they had a warrant. It's just a routine search."

"What?" Spencer was dazed until she saw the police officer come down the stairs with a box of her belongings.

When Spencer bolted up the stairs to her room, Jo and Veronica were hot on her heels. "Spencer, don't interfere!"

They rounded the corner, coming to a halt as they took in the scene. Five officers filled her room as they dug through every crack and crevice of Spencer's bedroom.

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